Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Ren's POV

The wounds on my hands and knees were already beginning to heal back up. The scabs seemed to be pretty sturdy and so I decided to take off the bandages that were on the palms of my hands as I worked. The injuries were still a bit sore but I would manage with the gloves I wore. Voices echoed in the room but they were barely comprehensible to me. Mindlessly walking around carrying a tray with wine glasses, I wandered about in the area. Ever since my shift had started, I'd been so swept into my thoughts that I felt like a robot. For instance, shoving trays in the middle of groups, and giving curt responses to Haru who was doing the same. Feeling a gaze lingering on me, I assumed that it was him. He'd most likely been noticing my odd attitude since I wasn't really trying to hide it in the beginning.

I wasn't upset or angry, I had just been dazing more than normal. And the reason was that I had a nightmare the previous night. I couldn't remember it, but for some reason, it felt strangely familiar. But no matter how much I tried, I couldn't recall what it was. It was so strange that I couldn't focus properly on what I was doing. Sighing for what seemed to be the millionth time that night, at the same time I had tripped over something.

Gasping, I was knocked out of my daze and my eyes widened as big as saucers. Feeling myself suddenly fall forward, it was too late for my tail to help keep my balance. Seeing the floor rushing at me, I slammed my eyes shut, cringing at the impact that was about to happen. Holding my breath, dread filled me knowing that the wine glasses that I had been carrying would shatter and draw attention to me. It happened so fast that I couldn't process what had occurred.

Suddenly feeling an arm tightly wrapped around my waist, stopped me from falling much further. Since my eyes had been shut, I was just waiting for the sound of glass shattering on the floor. Waiting for a couple of moments, but despite what I was bracing for, it never happened. Prying my eyes back open out of confusion, at the same moment I heard a lively voice ring out above me, "It would've been such a shame if I wasn't here to catch such a clumsy waiter now wouldn't it?"

Becoming even more confused, my feet still weren't touching the floor even though I was being held securely in place. Doing my best to tilt my head up to where the voice came from, the first thing I noticed was the shoulder-length blonde hair of the being. Soon my eyes darted to their face and a light-hearted smile showed along with dark green eyes that had slit pupils. Seeing the handsome face above me didn't help with my loss of words. H-He really caught me?? Wait, what about the glasses? Immediately my eyes flew to the floor but I saw no sign of what I was holding only moments before.

Noticing what I was doing, a deep chuckle rang through his lips. Soon moving something in front of my vision, he asked playfully, "Looking for this~?" It was the tray, and miraculously none of the glasses had spilled or tipped over. Finally relaxing, I breathed a heavy sigh of relief, my head dropping slightly. I'd probably get killed by her if I made another mistake after what had happened last time. Suddenly my eyes shot back up as I dangled lifelessly in his hold, for some reason he looked rather familiar...

Quickly shaking my head to avoid lingering on it, I forced myself to speak but it wasn't surprising that my voice was shaky after what had just happened, "I-I'm so sorry for the trouble I caused sir! It won't happen again..." Blinking down at me, the eyes then sharpened with mischievousness, soon bringing along a smirk, "How disappointing, and here I was, ecstatic that I'd be able to have you in my arms again in the future...Do you really find my touch so revolting?"

Blinking up at him in complete shock at the unexpected flirtatiousness, I couldn't figure out if he was actually being serious. Watching my speechless reaction, he seemed to be waiting for an answer of some sort. "U-Uh...," Glancing away from him for a moment, I felt my face heat up a little from his prolonged stare. Come on man!! Just answer him already before he attracts anyone's attention. Yelling at myself to hurry up and end this exceedingly embarrassing situation. Faltering with my words, I said hesitantly, honestly unsure of myself, "Um...n-no...??"

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