Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 

3rd Person POV

Two pairs of heavy footsteps resounded noisily down the sidewalks as they went. The one in the lead was tense, their heart thrummed in their chest. A certain painful throbbing sensation kept erupting from their left hand. Their right hand was completely fine, but the same couldn't be said for the other. Wrapped in tightly bound bandages, the red substance of blood could be seen in small blotches despite the many layers that formed on top of one another. The wrappings were protecting a freshly made stump that had been sliced through the night before. Most of their pinky finger was no longer there.

Pain flashed in their eyes in accordance with each pulse of fresh stinging that only quickly replaced the last. It still felt like they could move their lost digit and it was strange to them. They never would've thought that they'd experience something so frightening like it days ago. The figure behind them was hesitant to say anything since they'd been through the same torture before. Sometimes saying nothing was the best thing, but their worried mind pushed it aside. Their deep voice held nervousness and sympathy as they asked slowly, "...Are you alright Kyoko?"

Hearing his voice interrupt the stiff silence made her freeze momentarily but it wasn't long before she responded, "It's nothing. It'll heal quickly." Her somewhat calm voice barely covered up her jumbled-up thoughts that were mixed with pain, fear, uncertainty, and oddness. Of course, the being behind her didn't believe her. He knew the pain, confusion, and unease that she was feeling right now. Honestly, he wanted to help her escape so that she didn't have to worry about losing any more limbs.

Nevertheless, he respected her decision to tuff it out. The only reason why he decided to stay was because Kyoko was someone who he felt could really be trusted. He wanted to help her in any way that he could.

Kyoko wasn't like those who stood next to that horrible sponsor. She had someone whom she wanted to protect. Even willing to risk her life in the process to save her master. He couldn't dream of being so selfless. The being didn't feel like he was good enough to do that. Maybe it was possible if it was for her, but he had no idea how he'd protect her if she were in a life-threatening situation. Bringing his hand up to gaze at it, his eyes narrowed. Rage bubbled in the bottom of his stomach seeing the three stumps. His fingers were cut off over a year ago when he accidentally messed up on a job he was forced to do.

For him, it seemed like an eternity ago. All of the shit he'd seen made him feel like each day was drawing out longer and longer. The being's mind festered with an ever-longing vengeance. As he kept following Kyoko who was leading him, she suddenly stopped and pointed down an alleyway they paused in front of, "It's down there. Do you smell it?" Barely turning her head towards the taller being, her brown eyes gleamed in uncertainty. At her question, he smelled the air and instantly recognized what it was.

Nodding his head, he started to make his way down it, "Blood." Now, the roles were reversed. He was taking the lead as Kyoko nervously shuffled behind him. Noticing how antsy she was becoming, he decided not to dwell on it as he continued walking. Once they both made it to the end, it wasn't hard to see the dark brown splotches that hadn't been washed away from the weather. Seeing blood didn't affect him, he hated it but it became a natural occurrence in his line of work. Crouching down without hesitating, he examined the area all around him.

On Kyoko's end, she stood a few feet away. Watching him as he inspected the dried-up puddle next to his feet she uttered in a whisper, "What do you think happened?" His eyes glanced at her for a second before they retreated. The answer immediately came out of him, "Since this alleyway is closed off, it's safe to assume that either he or someone else was chased and this wound up as a dead end." Standing back up, he drew closer to the wall and he could see where the rain had attempted to wash some of the blood away. Bringing his hand up, his fingers trailed over a few cracks in the wall that would've been easy to miss if he wasn't face-to-face with it.

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