Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Ren's POV

 I honestly didn't know how I had mustered up the strength to get back home. Feeling dead tired I kicked my shoes off near the door and the sun was just barely peeking over the horizon for a new day. Knowing that I probably looked like a mess, I trudged to my room dragging my feet behind me. My mind had just been going in a loop the entire time and so I had no success in trying to sort out any of my thoughts. Blankly staring at a box that was blocking my path to the bed, I haphazardly kicked it to the side. While doing so, I suddenly heard the shrill sound of loose glass rattling inside of it.

Groaning out of annoyance, I plopped onto the floor and peeled the box back open. Luckily I hadn't taped it yet so all I just had to do was figure out where the glass was and where it came from. As I was rummaging through everything that was in it, bitter thoughts were still prickling my mind. I shouldn't have acted like such an asshole to Yuji...he was only trying to help. Sighing as I took more objects out of the box, I tilted my head slightly, my black hair covered my vision a little. Maybe it would be best to not talk to him for a little while. Yeah...I could always text him or call him whenever I wanted to. But...

Anger filled me for the millionth time. My ears flattened as I continued to search in the box. I can't help but think that he knew what he was always doing even if it rubbed me the wrong way. Just why did he do all of those things? That time at the club...he even said that everything was his fault. Growling out of frustration my tail lashed behind me as I moved the select few objects that were still in the box. Did he just want to get a reaction out of me? Or was it all just one big fucking prank-...huh??

My rage was cut short as my eyes widened. I soon saw the shards of glass that littered the bottom of the box. Moving one more object out of the way, I paused momentarily. Finally, my eyes suddenly softened. Reaching gingerly into the box silently, I slowly pulled out a picture frame. Looking at it, I shook off the last pieces of glass that were lying on top of the picture. Once it was fully cleaned off, I traced my finger over it as if it would break with even the slightest touch.

Blinking slowly, I resituated myself and leaned against the side of my bed on the floor. Holding up the picture, my ears flattened. It was a picture of both Yuji and me from two years ago at his graduation. Swallowing a little bit of sadness, I laid the broken picture frame right beside me. Turning my head up, I stared at the ceiling beginning to daze off. All of this was pointless. My feelings never mattered. They never did. Yuji would never think of me that way even if I confessed to him. That answer was obvious the same day we took that picture but no matter what happened I somehow still clung to that minuscule hope.

3rd Person POV

It was the day of Yuji's graduation. Beings of the graduating class were celebrating after just having received their diplomas. Those who watched the ceremony cheered in happiness for their children, friends, or family. Ren was no different, he was eager to give Yuji a gift he'd been saving up for that entire time. Waiting for some of the beings to disperse a little so he could talk to him, he stood there awkwardly holding a small box that was clasped tightly in his hand.

He rarely ever felt this energetic but it was because this was the first time he'd been able to give him something he worked hard for. Even if most of it was because of the small amount of allowance Ren's mother would leave at home for him to buy lunch with. Green eyes scanned the crowd, and the tip of his black tail twitched impatiently. Not only was he wanting to give him a gift, but he also had something important to tell him as well.

The item that was in the small box he was holding was a necklace that he'd bought for him. Hoping that he'd like it, Ren suddenly felt a being staring at him and realized that it was his friend. Quickly hiding the box behind him, Yuji rushed up to him in his graduation gown, "Hey!! I didn't think you'd come since you said that something came up!" Ren tilted his head while he glanced away for a moment, "Yeah, well I got it done sooner than I thought."

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