Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Ren's POV

 Grunting out of strain, I hefted a couple of large garbage bags into the trashcan out in the alleyway right beside the club building. Wiping off the sweat that was beginning to form on my forehead, I arched my back hearing a couple of satisfying cracks ring out. Sighing out of relief, I couldn't help but think back on what happened a couple of days ago. The huge bombshell- or more like a handful of them that she had suddenly dropped on me kept lingering in my mind no matter how much I tried to distract myself from them.

I'd been hoping that this all had been just one big prank but I knew from my mom's reaction that it was far from that. The shit load of money I never knew that we had all these years also continued to rattle me to my very core. Not only had I trapped myself in this awful job, but my efforts to help my mom only seemed to be in vain. Of course, when I came in yesterday I was advised to stay out of sight of the guests- which was actually more of a challenge than I had anticipated.

Not only was I moved from being a waiter, but I was pushed into handling the dishes and garbage which meant that I was busier than ever. On top of that, I had to enter through the back of the building before I began my shift which meant that I'd have to quit using the changing rooms and bring my uniform home after every work night. Either Aki and Haru had another being working alongside them or they were manning the floor by themselves again. Suddenly yawning, I reflexively held the back of my gloved hand to my mouth. With my midnight-colored ears flattening with the motion, at the same time I heard the metal door right beside me swing open.

Turning my head toward whoever stepped out of the building, I knew that it had to have been a coworker since the exit was restricted from guests. To my surprise, Haru's head peeked out first looking around a little until his eyes finally landed on my figure. Fully stepping out, he closed the door behind him with a sigh of relief.

I actually hadn't gotten the chance to talk with him much the last couple of days after the incident. Tilting my head, my tail swayed behind me, "Are you on your break now?" Nodding, he ran his gloved fingers through his styled hair while his blue eyes blinked, "Yeah, Aki's planning to come out as well for a breather. It's been busier than ever since apparently, we're going to have a new boss alongside Yuna soon." From the sudden information, I couldn't help but ask, "Oh really? Do you know who it is??"

Shaking his head, he crossed his arms leaning against the wall of the building, "Actually I don't. All I know is that they've been visiting this place frequently- which doesn't really cut down any of the beings who regularly spend their time here. For all that I know, they must be a big deal if even she's trusting them enough to help run this place." Suddenly mumbling out of annoyance, he tilted his head down, "And hopefully they'll be able to help fix this fucked up place."

Hesitant, I rubbed the back of my neck, glancing over at the blonde-winged being. I was honestly still curious about his relationship with Yuna but at the same time, it wasn't any of my business. Noticing that I had something to say, he raised an eyebrow, "What's up? You got something you want to talk about?" Awkwardly looking away, I mumbled a little deciding not to ask what I was originally planning to, "Oh not really. I was just wondering when I'd be able to work with you guys again."

With a look of surprise, Haru was caught off guard by what I had just said, "Wait, really?? Isn't it better to work here without interacting with any of those weirdos?" Thinking for a moment, I scratched my cheek as I thought about how much his question made sense, "Actually I think you're right. This is a hundred times better than dealing with them." As my green eyes concentrated on the ground, I felt a sudden weight fall on me. He had wrapped an arm around my shoulders pulling me down to his height which wasn't much shorter than mine. Immediately he started to tease me with a smirk on his face, "Awe, don't tell me. Do you feel lonely without me and Aki ordering you around?"

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