Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Ren's POV

Waking up in the morning was always something I hated. Groaning, my heavy eyes forcefully pried themselves open. Staring up at the aged ceiling, I couldn't help but sigh. I really didn't want to get out of bed, but even so, I had been planning to meet up with Yuji again today. Stretching, I forced myself to sit up reluctantly. Shivers of satisfaction ran down my body while I yawned. Popping my neck, I reached over to snatch my phone off of the charger. Seeing as there were no new notifications I sighed running my hand through my messy black hair.

This is so stressful. It's only been a day but that interview had gone so badly...I can't stand waiting for something that might not even happen. I should just get ready to leave for now. Swinging my legs over my bed, the metal frame creaked in protest as I stood up. Only wearing shorts to sleep in, the cold air of the morning hit my bare torso. Cringing at the prickling icy air, I hurried over to my clothes pile and quickly snatched up a tank top. Throwing it on, it wasn't long until I was making my way through the apartment.

Getting ready to go outside, I didn't bother with eating first thing in the morning. I never really had an appetite when I first woke up. Seeing that the apartment was empty, my mom must have gone out somewhere. Grabbing my blue jacket, I remembered the horrible feeling of leaving without it yesterday. Glad that I could wear it once more, a bit of comfort shot through me and finally I stepped outside.

The morning sun was just peeking over the horizon when I began to make my way down the loud stairs. Texting Yuji at the same time, I sent him a message telling him that I would be there in about half an hour. Shoving my phone into my pocket, my mind couldn't help but continue to worry about yesterday. Even the events that unfolded which caused both my mom and me to go to the hospital were still fresh in my mind.

When those beings broke in, I'm surprised my mom didn't panic as much as I did. Not only that, she must've heard what they had been saying about me. Bringing my hand up, I began to rub the back of my neck anxiously, Could there be a possibility that she might've misunderstood something? They were talking as if I was a part of some plan...But on the other hand, she has never brought it up yet. Should I just keep quiet about it as well?

Scrunching my eyebrows out of worry, my ears flattened momentarily. I was worried about so many things that I hadn't noticed just how fast time had gone by. Before I knew it, I had arrived at the meeting spot. To my surprise, I had seen Yuji waiting for me. This made me do a doubletake. He was leaning up against the wall of the cafe we had been to before. For a moment, I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me since he was always late. As I watched him a bit more, I realized that he didn't notice me at all, he was staring directly in front of him into an alleyway.

Turning my attention to where he was staring, my eyes widened a fraction. Bright yellow caution tape had sealed off the alleyway- or at least tried to. A part of it was torn and so, with the light breeze coming through, it swayed loosely. Not turning my eyes away from it, I moved closer to Yuji and he murmured. I couldn't figure out if he was talking to me or himself. His mouth opened as he spoke ominously, "They said that a female being was murdered here...It's not a surprise that there are no confirmed suspects."

My green eyes concentrated on his dazed brown ones and I questioned, "When did it happen?" In turn, he shrugged, "It was estimated to be around the same day you and your mom had gotten hospitalized. The same day that we were last here." Feeling the hairs on the back of my neck stand straight up in alarm, my tail quickly lashed. Crossing my arms, I tried to cover up the feeling of discomfort blooming in my chest. Noticing Yuji's gaze moving toward me, I gave a weak smile, "Let's just go on in...I should tell you about what happened during the interview."

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