Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

3rd Person POV

The room was bustling with life. Glamorous VIPs spoke to each other in designated groups they'd formed themselves. The topics ranged in variety as some decided to share supposedly juicy gossip and show off the high-end jewelry or clothing they wore. Their expensive accessories were one thing. However, none of them could ever compare to the humongous chandelier that hung down from the middle of the large ceiling as decoration. If any prying eyes stared up toward it they'd be lost in the beautiful and hypnotizing multicolored crystals that glimmered in the light. It was so dazzling that a few guests had already selfishly questioned how much they had to pay to take it home.

Despite its incredible appearance, that wasn't the guests' main concern. Gaming tables that looked to be taken straight out of a casino had been sprinkled throughout the large room and many were already gathering around them eagerly waiting for the event to start. That was one of many differences compared to the other floors. Whoever they ordered to do the job had transformed the entire room to complete perfection.

If someone stumbled onto this floor by accident, they would've thought they'd gone into the most exquisite casino out there. Expensive paintings lined the walls as well as sophistically made statues to help add such a polished feel to the room. Everyone knew that whoever stood on this floor, had enough money to throw around without any worry. This meant that once the event started, they'd be throwing everything they had to the table.

Of course, the event that was being held was a gambling one. Not only could someone lose or win money, but they could also win prizes that adorned the room. Paintings, statues, and even the tables could be up for grabs depending on what the host decided. That was the main excitement for many who came here. But that wasn't all. Every time an event like this was held, there would always be a special, possibly illegal, priceless item to be revealed to show how high the stakes were. To be expected, the winner would take it home at the end of the night.

Those who were mostly ignorant about the event thought that it was just meaningless fun. It might have looked like that at first if they hadn't focused too hard on what was going on around them. If they did, however, they'd see the VIPs sneakily- almost as if it was natural, sliding and trading certain narcotics with each other. Even the most innocent-looking women were engaging in giving small packets of unknown substances to whom they were talking idly.

If tails brushed up against each other, discreetly they'd curl around and it would seem as if one of them was holding something. If someone dropped something and another picked it up for them, they would sneakily shove it in a pocket or in their cleavage to hide the evidence. It was so discreetly done that any normal being would've brushed it off as if it were nothing.

Though, a being like Ren saw it all. He'd seen many dealings take place as he watched in the corner of his eye. Back in the Syloria District, drug dealers either didn't care about being seen, or they tried to hide it so much that it made it horribly obvious what they were doing. The thing that surprised Ren was how frighteningly graceful they were at hiding the fact that drugs were even present in the room. It reminded him that once again, the Syloria District looked like child's play compared to this place.

At the moment, Ren was somehow able to hide under a table after he snuck in. For some reason, the sponsor hadn't ordered guards to stand in front of the emergency exit. Probably because Yuna already had guards stationed to make sure that no one would even enter them in the first place. The black-haired male could only guess that the reason he was even able to go through there was because of whatever Mr. Kenji arranged.

Hiding underneath a table that had a long cloth almost touching the floor, he didn't dare walk about because the waiters and waitresses hadn't even come into the room yet. Curling his long tail close beside him on the glossy and freshly polished floor, it felt like he was in some sort of spy movie. Which, at the very least wasn't as exciting as the directors made them out to be. This wasn't entertaining, nor was he stress-free about the situation.

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