Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

3rd Person POV

Droplets of sweat ran down the being's face and kept dripping onto the floor directly under him. The room only had one dimly lit area and he was sitting directly under the light that emitted from it. His hair had been completely soaked in sweat to the point that it uncomfortably clung to his skin. Each time he'd try to swallow or take in a single breath, it felt like sandpaper tearing his throat raw. His lips were so dry and cracked that they'd started to bleed at some point. But he didn't mind it. No, if anything, it was the least of his worries.

A sharp and deafening crack shot through the air like a bullet and he felt a stabbing and burning sensation sprawl out across his back for what seemed like the millionth time now. His lips parted to let out a pained yell but the only thing that came out anymore was a choked whimper that kept getting lodged in his throat. The being's voice was completely gone after the long and drawn-out hours of him screaming and crying. The blood that seeped out of the blazing-like injuries felt icy when each trail flowed down his swelled-up flesh and splattered on the floor.

Trembling, he was on his hands and knees as tears mixed along with the sweat and mucus that dirtied his face. Renewed pain kept lingering throughout his entire nude body. Just as he tried to catch his breath, he felt a harsh tug on the back of his head. A hand firmly seized much of the being's hair as it forced him to sit up properly again.

His master's voice boomed shaking the entire room in complete ferocity, "How many times do I have to fucking tell you to keep your back straight? If you'd just listened to me for once then this would've already been over long ago. But you just never listen, do you? You goddamn whore." The being's pink eyes whose hair had been pulled, glimmered brightly against the dim light from the fresh tears that escaped. Once his hair had been freed from his master's clutches, it took everything in him not to collapse forward again.

When he somehow was able to sit completely still, his head drooped down in complete exhaustion. The being lost track of how much time had gone by. More than anything, he desperately hoped that his master would make a mistake while using his weapon and accidentally kill him so that he would stop suffering through any more of this. Soon finding himself in a daze, the footsteps he heard around him suddenly sounded miles away. Maybe he'd finally be able to sleep now...

But it wasn't long before his face had been grabbed this time, jolting back his consciousness. Without mercy, it was angled up to make him forcefully lock eyes with the one in front of him who'd been wielding a pure white whip. His master spoke in a voice of pure malice, "Isamu, it's not time for you to rest yet. I'm not even close to being done with you." The incubi's limbs had no more strength in them. Even his tail wouldn't move as it was completely still on the concrete floor. The being then spoke up again with wicked amusement on his face at the thought of something, "You know, Isamu...I've always had this feeling that you'd never be good enough to please me. But you knew that didn't you? Could it be possible that you actually like these punishments? Maybe you've been messing up on purpose to gain my undivided attention?"

Isamu only lifelessly stared up at his master since he couldn't answer him. Nor did he even want to. Instead, he begged in his mind. Please. Just kill me already. If I've never been good enough then stop putting me through this and just end me here. You've already taken everything from me. I'm not even worth keeping under your control anymore. So why? Why keep doing this to me? His silent pleading was unanswered and he knew he'd never figure out why his master kept doing this to him.

Apparently, his lifeless gaze offended the being who'd been violently assaulting him. When he'd finally released the hold on his face, his master's hand that had been firmly holding the whip suddenly tightened as he murmured under his breath, "Those fucking eyes. Those horrid eyes always kept looking at me in contempt like I was nothing. As if I couldn't even be compared to the dirt under your shoes..." Isamu could tell that his master was on the verge of snapping. That's what he wanted.

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