Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Ren's POV

Grunting, I immediately felt deja vu when I slowly opened my eyes with some difficulty. Partially covering my eyes from the light beaming into the room, I tried my best to figure out where I was. Everything in the room was pure white and I was covered up under a thin blanket. The room was mostly bare but it seemed somewhat familiar to me for some reason. Laying there groggily, I slowly blinked at the ceiling.

Where am I now...? Am I in a hospital room-!? Quickly cutting myself off, I sat up from the bed without warning. Just having remembered what had happened, and even though the end of my memory was hazy, I knew that the police had arrived before I passed out. Throwing the blanket off myself, my tail swished into the air. Just when I was about to stand up from the bed, the door to the room opened. When the doorknob was turned and the door was pushed inwards, the figure of a female nurse stepped in. Not noticing that I was awake, her eyes were glued to the clipboard in her hands until they darted toward me.

She was a bit taken aback at first but her professional poker face replaced her shock in a millisecond. Pushing up her glasses, she cleared her throat as she began to speak, "If you will, I must be given your name, age, and contact information." Straightening up a bit, I began to fiddle with my fingers while I answered everything that was asked of me. Impatience swam in my body as a burning question was in the back of my mind.

As the nurse filled out everything on her clipboard she then handed it to me along with the pen she had used only moments before. Speaking once more, her tone grew a bit tense while getting closer to me, "I'd like you to write your signature here, here, and here." Her fingertip swiftly danced toward each of the empty spaces. In no time at all, I scribbled my name a bit awkwardly each time. I wasn't all that familiar with going to the hospital since I'd only been there a handful of times. If anything I despised it and avoided going at all costs if I could help it.

We couldn't afford the bills nor did we have any insurance. Biting the inside of my cheek worriedly, I handed both of the objects back to the nurse. Once she double-checked that everything was filled out she looked at the clock on the wall near the ceiling. Clearing her throat once more her eyes refused to look up at me, "Fortunately, your injuries weren't severe. You have a few bruises and the cuts you have luckily weren't deep so there wasn't a need for stitches. For those, it is recommended to leave the bandages on and avoid getting them wet. You will be able to leave soon once we get your hospital records sorted out."

Pausing, she then moved to the closed door, "If that is all, I must be leaving for now. I will come by to visit once more before you go." As she continued getting closer to the door, my heart thrummed. The question I had been meaning to ask had suddenly shot out of my mouth loudly, "W-Wait! How's my mom?" Flinching from the sudden outburst, the nurse suddenly turned back toward me stiffly. She had been a bit shaken from the sudden urgency, "Y-You must mean the being who was brought here as well last night. She was fortunate enough to have only suffered a contusion on her scalp along with just a couple of bruises. Thankfully there was nothing major so you needn't be worried. But we will need to continue to run tests on her just in case of the possibility that we have overlooked anything. If all goes well then she will be free to leave in three days."

Feeling a breath of relief leave my body from the news, my tail swayed in the air slowly, "Ah, I see. Thank you." She shrugged off my thanks and turned her back to me once more. Grabbing onto the handle, she partially opened the door, "Oh, and Mr. Amari, you have a visitor. I will tell them that you are ready to see them." I wasn't able to answer before she had fully left. Sighing, I sat there on the bed, holding my hand up to my forehead.

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