Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

3rd Person POV

Isamu had been sitting on one of the stools at the table island dazedly staring up at the moon and stars. He'd been there for about 30 minutes now barely moving except for his tail. Barely twitching, or slowly swaying as each little thought passed in his mind. He just couldn't fathom that two straight years of abuse he'd endured would officially end tonight. Then the horrid memories would rise again like a constant loop.

He didn't know how to feel. Anger, relief, numbness, frustration, perhaps fear? He couldn't pinpoint the emotion because there would be too much to feel and nothing at all. After having been rescued he'd still have nightmares of those nights. But then again he hadn't felt this normal in a long time. Not having to worry about almost anything kept sending alarm signals in his brain.

Of course, the fear was still there. He didn't feel like his usual self if it wasn't. What if he lets down his guard a bit too much and then suddenly he's under Jiro's control again? That thought always kept him a little on edge. But he did know one thing. If he ever saw him again- he'd beat the living shit out of him for all he's done. Right as his anger started to boil up a certain being's face blocked his line of sight from the scenery.

"Thinking about that deplorable waste of oxygen, Isamu?" Montaro's face clearly showed he knew exactly what the incubus had been lingering on for half an hour. Isamu's pink eyes widened like saucers as he jumped from his sudden presence. Not long after he did, he grew annoyed by the soon embarrassment that came after. Running his fingers through his hair and down to his face he sent an exasperated glare in the vampire's direction, "Damn it. Didn't I tell you not to do that?"

Montaro acted as if he was innocent giving a small smile, "I have no idea what you mean." Resting his chin in the palm of his hand, Isamu muttered as he stared down at the tabletop avoiding his eyes, "Acting as if you can read my mind and shit. It's getting on my nerves." Despite how the incubus purposely looked away from him, Montaro casually slid into the stool by him, "I'm well trained in reading other's expressions. Like..." He brought his hand up to point at the incubi's light-colored eyebrows, "Right now your brows are furrowed because you're troubled by something. There's only one thing I could think of being the cause."

In response to him, Isamu's eyebrows seemed to furrow even more and his gaze shot away from him again as his cheeks started burning. This made Montaro laugh as he kept pointing out other details he'd noticed, "And you avoid eye contact when you're embarrassed. You bite your lip when you worry and-" The incubus's voice grew an octave higher as he grew even more flustered, "Enough already! Don't you have any other hobbies besides staring at me all the time?"

A chuckle rang out of Montaro's throat again as he said, "Why thank you for asking. I thrive in attending social gatherings, interior decoration, gossip, and-" His mouth was clamped shut by Isamu's hand which surprised him and it was held there for a little while. The blue-haired being's eye twitched as he asked through gritted teeth, "Do you ever shut the hell up?" A muffled no vibrated against his hand and he could only sigh in defeat as he threw his other hand up to his face again.

Once both of his hands dropped back down, Montaro crossed his arms and tilted his head in curiosity, "What are some of yours?" Isamu raised an eyebrow at the question as his tail swayed, "Why should I tell you?" The vampire shrugged as he pointed out, "I told you mine. Why? Are you worried I'll laugh?" Isamu rolled his eyes as he stated, "No, it's because I don't have any." The confession made Montaro's eyes widen in genuine shock and he questioned, "What about your visits to the ocean?"

The incubus lingered on it for a moment and he rested his head on his hand, "...Fine I have one hobby but that's about it. I grew up in a strict household. Seeing the ocean was the one thing I could enjoy without being hassled by my paren- them." Quickly catching himself, he scoffed and his tail lashed in the air.

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