Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Ren's POV

When I had the time, I visited Aki at the hospital. Seeing how happy she was with Haru and me coming unexpectedly wasn't surprising. The both of us sitting by her bed, I was primarily quiet as Haru continuously spoke to her about what happened after she had been wheeled out of the building. Dazing a little from the conversation, it wasn't until I felt Haru slap me in the back when he boasted out loudly, "-and this guy screamed at her saying, "Are you fucking serious!? Can't you see that he's freaked out right now?"" Imitating my voice- or attempting to, Aki could only stare in surprise as she kept listening.

On the other hand, I was hiding my face in my hands out of embarrassment. As Haru kept mimicking both my and Bosses' expressions, he stood up, putting his foot on the chair, and said dramatically once more, ""No because this is my business. Aki almost died and Haru isn't okay enough to take your shit right now!"" Still hiding my face, I groaned internally. Did I really say all that?? Not knowing that Haru had finally finished acting out everything, my attention was stolen by Aki once more.

Her fluffy tail moved under the thin hospital blanket as she tilted her head with a smile, "I wish I could've seen that, her face must've been priceless!" Giggling as she put her hand to her mouth, she suddenly flinched a little. The stab wound must've still been hurting, knitting my eyebrows, my tail was stiff and I asked hesitantly, "Has...Has something like this ever happened before?" The both of them glanced at each other until Haru sighed, clasping his hands together, and leaned forward a little. His wings opened slightly as he spoke, "No, but there were a few times when it had almost occurred. Luckily we were able to stop it in time, but we have no idea why it happened. The only close assumption that any of us could think of was if a guest had been stopped from doing what they wanted. For example, they wanted to assault another guest or one of our coworkers, or maybe they weren't getting any more alcohol. There are honestly so many reasons that it could be almost anything."

Ears flattening a little, I raised an eyebrow out of confusion, "Why do you both even work there while knowing just how fucked up everything is?" Aki didn't hesitate to speak up while she fiddled with the end of the blanket that was covering her, "She was close to my mother. When she was hospitalized, she decided to take me in for a while. I remember that she kept going on about a business she wanted to build up from the ground. Because of everything she did for me, I believed I owed it to her by working for her there."

Going silent, she stared at the blanket until my eyes shot to Haru who began to speak as well, "My father was the one who kept telling me to work under her because he heard just how prosperous her business was getting...When it grew so popular that even the richest beings were arriving there, I was practically forced to get close to Yuna. She wasn't so bad back then, but after a couple of years running it...I-I guess she got blinded by all of the money and pressure." His blue eyes narrowed at the floor while his voice grew tense.

Shaking his head, he put a hand on his forehead in frustration, "I can't believe that she's practically sacrificing us just to satisfy those assholes! If nothing changes then it's going to get even worse than someone just being stabbed." The room grew silent as I could only watch their expressions. Knitting my eyebrows out of perplexity, my gaze turned toward the window with the blinds pulled up to let some sunlight in. Watching a small bird soar in the sky, a bitter thought came to me. Haru's right, this needs to stop. If not, then someone is really going to die sooner or later.

Swishing behind me, my tail was beginning to prickle. Only one being has the power to stop everything, and the one who is able to do that is Mr. Kenji. Clenching my fists, I turned back to the two others who had stayed quiet with an ominous aura around them. He has to find something, even if it's just the tiniest bit of evidence, it should be enough to convince him fully. Sighing, I blinked a little. All I could do was wait and see if he found anything.

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