Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Ren's POV

The next night arrived and when I woke up, my entire body was sore. Since the incubus was in my bed and I didn't have a couch, the only other option was to sleep on the floor in a terrible makeshift bed that I haphazardly threw together. Groaning, I pushed myself up slowly. My back and shoulders were absolutely killing me. I guessed that Montaro heard me because he immediately walked over to me, "Hey Ren, did you rest well? You know, my offer still stands. I could call someone to bring you something to rest on. If you're sick, sleeping on the floor might make your condition worse..."

Blinking slowly up at him in a daze when I listened to what he said, it was still hard to believe how different the air around him was now. He was like a completely different being altogether. His mannerisms, his odd composure, everything about him felt so foreign to me. To be honest, it'd probably take days for me to lower my guard around him. It's like the old Montaro doesn't even exist anymore. Is he really going to keep his word? I doubt it.

Gently swaying my head back and forth, I eventually felt my neck become less stiff. Sighing, I forced myself to get up and I finally answered him, "It was okay, and as I said before, there's no need. If the doctor's right, then he should wake up in only a couple of days. Also...what were you doing in my kitchen?" Raising my eyebrow at him in wonder, the vampire suddenly perked up and flashed me a smile, "Oh! Come and see what I've been working on while you were asleep." Turning around from me, his hand went up to his neck as he kept speaking, "I know how you're still hesitant about being around me and all..."

Cutting in quickly before he could continue, I followed behind him, "Oh, you don't say? It's totally not like your whole demeanor changed in a day. No, of course not, right?" Thick sarcasm was laced in my words which made him slouch a little in defeat. It took him a moment to clear his throat as he started again, "Ahem, well, as I was were absolutely right. Actions speak louder than words do. If I were to just stand here and apologize all the time, I'm sure that would have more of a negative impact than a positive one." Agreeing with him as if it was obvious, I gestured in slight annoyance, "And the point is...?"

Hearing how fed up I already was, he quickly straightened up and hurried to the kitchen area where the electric stove was sitting. As my gaze followed him, I noticed that there was a pan on one of the burners and it had steam drifting off from whatever was in it. Suddenly the sweet smell of cooked fish hit my nostrils and saliva instantly gathered in my mouth. It smells good...I didn't know when the last time I'd eaten anything was. Feeling my stomach rumble as I stepped closer toward the pan, Montaro spoke up hesitantly, "I'm not much of a chef so I just decided to cook something simple. Is salmon alright?"

Before I was about to drool, I quickly swallowed it down and I stood up straight again snapping out of the daze I was about to be in. Clearing my throat for a second, I crossed my arms and looked directly at him. I'd rather die than tell him that seafood was one of my favorite meals to eat. My tail twitched behind me and just said, "Yeah, it's okay. I still have some questions for you so don't even think about avoiding them." His dark green eyes met mine and he agreed, "Of course."

As he went to turn down the burner a little, I sat at the table that separated the kitchen from the living room. Watching as he continued to cook the fish, I propped my elbow up onto the granite surface resting my chin in the palm of my hand. The vampire was entirely focused on the dish he was currently making not paying any mind to my fixed gaze on him. What should I ask him first? There are just so many questions I want answers to. When I thought for a moment, I tilted my head and remembered the last time we'd met in Mr. Kenji's office.

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