Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Ren's POV

  Before I knew it, half a week had gone past and there were no signs of bumping into Mr. Kenji. I'd been so busy caught up in my own work that I had no chance of running into the demon who seemed to show up everywhere I went only days before. Groaning a little out of annoyance, I was in the kitchen cleaning the gigantic stack of dishes that seemed to be piling up continuously no matter how fast I kept scrubbing.

Feeling my energy dissipate, it wasn't until I felt a tap on my shoulder that I had switched out with another being to take my place. Dragging my feet out of tiredness, I did my nightly routine by throwing out the bags of trash that were on the verge of overflowing. By this time, the alleyway had become the spot I hung out at every so often. If I were lucky, Haru or Aki would stick their heads out to talk to me while they had some free time. Of course, no matter how many times I asked, they both had no news from Boss about when I'd be able to work alongside them again.

Grumbling out of disdain, I kicked a pebble with the tip of my shoe, "The one time I want to talk to him it's as if he's nowhere to be found. But when I don't want to see him he's around every corner. Just my luck." Glaring at the pavement, my tail lashed. It wasn't like I didn't try to visit his office. If anything I went there any chance that I ended up getting but every time I did there was no answer or a being would say that he was out or busy. He was my golden ticket out of this dump and if I didn't tell him what I knew then I'd probably be stuck here forever.

I was even debating causing some more trouble to finally meet with him but that probably wouldn't end with just a slap on the wrist, unlike last time. Shaking my head, I went back inside shutting the somewhat heavy door behind me. I'd just have to try Mr. Kenji's office again when I can. Not being able to think too much about everything, my attention was suddenly grabbed by the chaotic scene in front of me. Blinking out of surprise, I saw all of the employees rushing back and forth in a frenzy. Tail sticking straight up, I called out to a being rushing past me, "H-Hey what's going on??"

They stopped for a moment, turning back to me in a slight panic, "Aki got stabbed by some bastard. We're trying to keep the guests calm!" Not hesitating, they went back to what they were doing and suddenly I found myself rushing to the main lobby. I couldn't believe my eyes as I saw some paramedics rushing into the building. Feeling my blood run cold, I quickly scanned the area trying to find Haru. Shit! Where is he?? Is he still on his floor? Running over to the elevators, I quickly got on one that was open and I kept pressing the button to the designated floor.

It felt like forever until the elevator finally stopped. Rushing out right when the automatic doors threw themselves apart, I felt my face pale at what I saw. Aki was lying on the floor, holding her side. Her uniform was stained from the blood seeping out of her stab wound. On the other hand, the guests could only stare in shock and horror at the sight. A few other employees were trying to direct them to another location away from where she lay injured. Haru was leaning over Aki, panicking as he kept trying to talk to her in a shaky voice, "Y-You'll be just fine, okay? Just keep putting pressure on it!!"

Running over to the two of them, I crouched down trying to help in any way that I could. Aki's eyes were blinking dazedly in between the both of us, "Is it bad...? I-It feels cold...but it burns." The winged being's bright blue eyes were panicked. Her face was pale as she flinched while she had her hands over the wound. Seeing this, Haru shook his head quickly, "No, It's just a graze! You just have to stay awake okay??" Her small ears were flattened as she nodded weakly, "Alright...but stop looking like that. I-I'm still kicking, aren't I? So don't look so worried, idiot." She tried to give a breathless laugh but in response, it never came out because she grimaced.

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