Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Ren's POV

It was finally Monday, which meant that I'd have to check in with Mr. Kenji before I did anything else. I also had a few questions to ask him as well. As I made a mental list of everything I had in mind to talk about, the GPS on my phone showed that I'd been drawing closer to the building. Today, I was guessing that the bodyguards were off duty since I didn't feel anyone watching me at the moment. Assuming that it didn't matter anyway since I was close enough to the building, the district was still alive with bright lights shining during the night.

Putting my phone in my pocket when I turned the corner on the sidewalk, I hadn't expected to bump into a firm wall blocking my way. Bouncing off of it, I felt myself falling backward out of nowhere. My tail wasn't fast enough to maneuver to help keep my footing so I knew that I was going to smack against the concrete. Bracing myself for the impact, my breath hitched in my throat.

Out of nowhere, my wrist had been firmly snatched and I'd suddenly been pulled forward before I could fully plummet. My face planted itself right back into the obstacle I'd just slammed into. I made a small grunt because of the uncomfortable pressure that pressed down against my nose, "Guh!" Before I was able to recover, a voice came from directly above me in amusement, "Oh my, it seems we meet again Clumsy Waiter!"

Furrowing my eyebrows, I turned to look up at him. This time I groaned internally, Ugh, not this weirdo again. A playful smile showed on the blonde-haired vampire's face but it only soured my mood instantly. He gave a hearty sigh of happiness and it seemed as if he was already in his own world. Ranting without a care in the world, "Ha~! This really must be fate. I just had the feeling I'd get a lucky surprise if I stood here for long enough."

Already growing annoyed, I could feel the fur on the tip of my tail bushing up a little. Hey asshole, you almost made me bust my head open like a watermelon. How is that lucky!? I forced myself to bite back what I was thinking and tried to move away from him, saying in a flat voice, "Uh, good for you...I guess? Can you let me go now? I need to go to work." Completely ignoring me, he didn't care about personal space in the least when he held me tighter mushing my face in his chest. It wasn't the worst thing in the world but I was still uncomfortable with how off he seemed.

"Why do such tasking work when we can instead partake in something fun? We've only just run into each other and I'd love to get to know you more. It would be a shame if we were to part ways so quickly!" He shook his head acting as if he was in total despair at just the thought of it. Feeling sweat start to form on my forehead, all I could do was sigh. We've barely even spoken and he's acting as if he'll roll over and die if I left him here. Hmm...fine by me.

Having had enough of his over-the-top dramatic antics, I glared up at him trying to appear threatening, "If I don't go then Mr. Kenji will wonder why I haven't gone to see him. He might even go so far as to send someone to come and track me down." Mentioning my boss's name seemed to make him finally pay attention to what I was saying. He gave me a bright smile, clearly ignoring how frustrated I looked as he said, "Oh, what a coincidence! It nearly slipped my mind that I have to meet with him as well. Shall we accompany each other to his office?" Not allowing me to have a say in the suggestion, the vampire wrapped an arm around my shoulders practically dragging me along with his pace to the building.

3rd Person POV

In the midst of such a confusing and irking interaction, Ren hadn't noticed that someone had been keeping an eye on and following him from a distance. But the tall vampire sure did. When they'd started making their way toward the club entrance, Montaro glanced behind them with a sudden frown and narrowed eyes. This is turning out to be quite interesting. His gaze was aimed at a silhouette peeking around the corner of where they'd been standing not even minutes ago. The figure noticed that he'd been eyeing them and they flinched, shielding themselves back behind the wall they'd been hiding behind.

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