Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

 Ren's POV

The room was so blinding that the initial chaos had to be paused. Everyone reflexively covered their eyes and most couldn't keep their balance. Whoever had snatched onto my ankle was still surprisingly hanging on for dear life despite enduring the incredible pain of doing so. If anything, the punishment inflicted by the sigil only made their grip stronger as they choked out a cry of agony.

Almost the same as getting dragged into a rampaging tornado, the wind tugged at me harshly almost pushing me off my feet. Yet, just like last time, a hand latched onto my arm and shoved me back. That was when I heard his voice, "So, a lowly leech like you was the one to summon me. How pathetic." After my eyes opened, I watched Mr. Kenji land a sharp kick to his jaw.

The guard's head flew back with a choked grunt. The harsh impact forced him to let go of me to cover his face instead. Haggard from everything he went through, there were no signs that he'd be moving anytime soon. My eyes flew from the guard to all the others in the room. Beings were either recovering from the unexpected blast or they were looking at us with wide eyes in horror.

I couldn't focus on them for long because my boss turned his head to me. Speaking, his eyes narrowed a fraction in slight amusement not intimidated by the situation in the least, "It appears that you were correct. Perhaps I shouldn't take your words with only a grain of salt, hm?" All I could do was stare at him dumbfoundedly because before I could say anything a voice shot out in ferocity.

"I fucking knew that you'd ruin a perfectly good event! It seems you're trying to cause Ms. Hamada to lose her sponsorship with your impudent act! If you don't want to cause more trouble for yourself and that Defect of yours give us back the item and maybe I'll look over this horrendous disrespect you've shown to all of us tonight!" Even with how furious he was, he still attempted to save face with the guests who were watching the scene unfold.

Hearing him made my ears flatten in anger. My fists clenched and I yelled, "Why should we if you've already done that yourself!?" That made the sponsor's eyes widen out of shock only for a split second. Tilting his head down slightly, I could feel his glare penetrating my very soul as he threateningly questioned, "Did I give you permission to speak you disgusting Defect?" It made my skin crawl, and Mr. Kenji instantly noticed my discomfort. Even then, my glare didn't waver from the sponsor.

The demon's red eyes narrowed and I could feel the aura around him growing tense and heavy. Crossing his arms, he stated, "Disgusting? It's amusing you say that knowing your history of vile acts. Not to mention..." His gaze slowly ran across the crowd, almost agonizingly. He then continued, "Those who've decided to attend this awful excuse of an event are no better." As his eyes landed on them, they instantly froze in fear. Nonetheless, Mr. Kenji ignored them and turned to me, "Since we're on the topic, let's see this renowned item you so wish to be given back, hm?"

That was my cue to pull it out of my pocket to show him carefully. Mr. Kenji didn't even flinch when he saw it. It surprised me when he snatched it from me without hesitation. Examining the pistol, a small hum of boredom rang from his throat as he muttered, "Just as I'd expected. A wondrously crafted weapon. Whoever made this certainly knew what they were doing." While he was busy running his gloved fingers across the barrel, almost everyone in the room gulped nervously in anticipation.

All of the guests slowly took a step back like they were waiting for the right moment to escape after having been caught indulging in their heinous hobby. It was even worse considering the one in front of them was a demon that overanked everyone who was there. No one- not even me, knew what he would do. I nervously glanced at him as he started to speak again in mild interest, "How curious. To display a holy weapon that's loaded is quite daring for the likes of you. Even with your guards you never know who could wound up getting their hands on it."

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