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Hiliya's a world full of beauty, progress, ambition, and not to mention evolution. Many who are born and thrive in such a mysterious place seek to find their future. Some work tirelessly to achieve what they want and others are lucky enough to have such riches fall into their hands without even batting an eye. Hiliya holds only a select few continents yet their sizes take one's breath away. Even so, despite their great lengths from coast to coast, a wide and seemingly endless body of water envelopes each land.

On these continents, they hold a variety of life along with varying climates and different structures of power. Each place holds great history, accomplishments, and even strengths. With them holding a great number of positives, many would be happy with living in these areas. And those that did live in them? They were Beings from all walks of life. Angels, vampires, demons, those who possessed animal characteristics such as ears, a tail, and/or even wings, and much more.

Depending on who they were as a being resulted in how they were ranked in society. Such powerful beings grouped alongside angels and demons were some of the most powerful and richest in society. On the contrary, those who held animal characteristics were mainly part of the middle class of society, but in some chances, some would be lucky enough to hold their standing just beneath some of the highest classes. Finally, humans were treated as the poorest in society and usually lived in poverty compared to the rest.

Every being was expected to accept their roles, no matter who they were, and to work alongside those who were different from them. Except, that statement didn't mean that they had to respect who they worked with. This flaw was only the tip of the iceberg which followed a deeper, more ugly truth about how these beings actually lived their lives.

    3rd Person POV

A sharp cry echoed throughout the humid and dusty warehouse. The sounds of bones breaking followed soon after just when the writhing body of a being was thrown onto the hard, concrete floor. The vast area was dimly lit which made the group of silhouettes watching the scene almost blend in thoroughly with the shadows that the weak lights couldn't reach. Some were puffing on cigarettes, and tiny wafts of smoke billowed up as they moved only enough to send the trails swirling in the air. The metal from the crates that they were sitting on kept creaking as a few leaned forward to watch more closely.

The one who had been thrown was curled up into a ball. They shook violently out of fear and pain, clutching their mangled arm close to their body in hopes of not suffering any more damage than they already had been put through. Whimpers kept escaping from the being's trembling lips as his fluffy appendages were curled tightly to his body out of fright. The one who had all eyes on him had yellow canine ears, a tail, and unkempt hair. His body and clothes were dirtied with blood and dust from getting harshly attacked repeatedly only moments before.

It was only when he heard movements get closer once more did his brown, glistening eyes shot back open darting back and forth wildly. He yelled, frantically trying to crawl away from the figure, "W-Wait- please!! I-I'll do anything, just-!" His pleads were cut short by a sharp kick in the side, making him scream in pain for the millionth time. There was no doubt that his ribs were broken at this point. Lying there helplessly, many tears streamed down his face. The one who stood there, watching him struggle, was the perpetrator who had caused all of his injuries. The tall being stood there looking down at him as if he were a mere pest.

From his height, his shadow completely engulfed the injured being. He stood there for a few moments, listening to the weak sobs that leaked out. It was clear that this shadowed figure held authority over the others who were watching the scene unfold. Finally, he moved, grabbing a fistful of curly, dirtied, golden hair, and mercilessly pulling the injured man up and onto his knees. He spoke without any emotion.

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