Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

3rd Person POV

Ever since Ren slammed the door shut, a particular being was stewing in his annoyance. Huffing in his mind. He really thinks he's all that, huh? What a fucking joke. I'm stuck here on house arrest while he gets to go on his merry way doing whatever. Not to mention... His pink eyes swiveled toward the blonde vampire speaking to someone on the phone. Watching him for a moment, Isamu propped his elbow onto the table resting his chin in the palm of his hand as he continued in his mind. This asshole's been watching me like a hawk. I can't even get a moment to myself unless I lock myself up in the Defects' room.

As he thought that, Montaro was busy needlessly smiling as he was doing his usual act with whoever he was talking to, "Oh, I see~! It seems like you don't need me for any more favors then. Since you won't oblige to what we agreed on then I suppose it'll be fine if I just so happen to accidentally spout about how your wife's gambling addiction has caused you both to fall into debt." The voice of the vampire still held a light and happy tune. Yet, anyone could tell that it was hiding the dark threat that he so joyfully uttered.

Isamu watched how his eyes narrowed a fraction in delight when he heard the being start to stutter in a panic through the speaker. Montaro didn't give them a moment to say anything as he continued. Now, his voice feigned pity and sadness, "I must say, it would be quite saddening if the others heard how long you've been teetering on the edge of losing everything. And to think that I was so generous to have helped someone who couldn't bring forth the effort to do something so simple..." After he said that, even Isamu could hear the stuttering, loud voice of the being echoing out of the speaker as he tried to explain himself.

The incubus was honestly surprised. If he hadn't seen the evident boredom spreading across Montaro's face, he wouldn't have thought it was one whole act. Blinking wide-eyed at him, it wasn't long before the vampire finally ended the phone call. A light sigh escaped his lips as he rubbed the back of his neck. It wasn't until he looked toward Isamu that he noticed he'd been watching him that entire time.

Straightening up, the blonde male shoved his phone into his pocket. Looking a little flustered, he parted his lips, "Oh, I apologize if I was a bit rambunctious. I hope it didn't shatter any expectations you may have for me." This made Isamu raise an eyebrow unamused. He huffed out of his nose rolling his eyes, "Trust me. There wasn't any in the first place." Montaro gave a somewhat pained smile while sweat began to form on his forehead. The vampire actually wasn't expecting such a blunt remark, "How you wound me..."

Huffing once more, Isamu turned his attention to nowhere in particular. The incubus could feel how weak he'd gotten from not consuming any energy in a while. It kept sending alarm signals but he purposefully ignored them. There was no way he'd allow himself to feast off a vampire. No way in hell.

When his gaze went down towards his hand, he slowly balled up his fist as hard as possible. It showed no evidence of his true strength. Glaring daggers at it, Isamu was inwardly growling in his mind. Damn...if I don't receive any energy in a couple of days I'll be bedridden again. As the incubus was lingering on that thought, Montaro strode up behind him and the being could easily guess what he was thinking. His dark green eyes narrowed a smidge in worry and he slowly commented, "...You're getting weaker by the day. Perhaps Ren was correct. Have some of mine. It may not be favorable but it'll help. You would recover substantially faster."

Just as he held his hand out to him, it was quickly smacked away with an annoyed scoff, "Don't make me laugh. I'd rather die than have any of your shitty, trashy energy. I could smell that stench a mile away. Not to mention, I'm not wanting to taste the blood from those you've had sex with." Furrowing his eyebrows, Montaro was rather taken aback by that statement. Not by the crudeness of it, but because it immediately made him curious. " that the only reason you won't feed off of me?" Asking that question, the vampire stepped around the table to stand before Isamu.

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