Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

3rd Person POV

The sun seemed to be trying its absolute best to melt everything it could. Heatwaves flew up from the cracked pavements and roads, distorting anyone's vision who decided to walk around without any sunglasses. It was only the early morning and if it was already this hot, then it would feel terrible with the ongoing daytime hours. Despite the dreary heat, it didn't affect the beings' moods who were talking to friends, family, or even on their phones. They were wearing light clothing so as to not be too hot.

Many other beings would've felt as if they were dying if they wore anything more than just a thin shirt or a tank top. But this wasn't the case for a certain neko. He stepped down the broken sidewalk, unhurrying. Sporting the same blue jacket that he wore every day no matter if it was freezing cold or hot enough to give someone a heatstroke. Along with the blue jacket, he was also wearing jeans that had rips in them from age along with black combat boots. As he continued walking mindlessly to where he was going, others would end up staring at him.

He knew that they were probably judging him on what he was wearing on a hot summer's day, but that wasn't all. Of course, it wasn't and he knew this. The furry appendages on his head suddenly perked up, hearing the loud, excited voice of a child. Turning his head toward where he had heard them, he wasn't surprised to see them pointing at him. It was a young girl and she asked loudly, holding onto a being's hand who he could only assume was her mom.

She asked loudly, drawing the attention of others who weren't already staring daggers at him, "Hey Mommy, he looks weird! What's wrong with him? Is he sick?" The naivety of children's minds always seemed to surprise him in one way or another. Sure, it seemed like an innocent question, but he knew what was going to happen next. The mother didn't hesitate to glance at the neko and then back down at her daughter, gently pulling her a little, "Sweetie, don't look at him! Yes, he's sick, he looks like that because he's what you call a Defect."

Her eyes landed back on him and with one last glare, she turned to say once more, gently leading her daughter away, "Don't ever go near neko's who look like that. Whatever he has could be contagious. Now, come on my sweet, we can't be late!" Even though she had begun to gently drag her daughter away, the young being kept curiously staring back at him. Except for this time, newfound fear was also laced in her innocent gaze. The neko finally glanced away, sighing and rubbing his neck.

That was always the end result with any strangers who had ever laid eyes on him. He walked past a store but he stopped momentarily, seeing his reflection looking back at him from one of the large windows. In his reflection, he had seen his bright green eyes staring right back at him. Blinking slowly, finally, his eyes trailed up to the hair and ears that were on top of his head. They were pure black. This was what made others despise him. It wasn't about the color itself necessarily, but it was what it had meant about him. Messing with his bangs a little, he had curly, untamed locks of hair. He always liked his bangs being longer than the rest because they acted as a curtain from the stares. They had just barely covered his eyes but it was enough to allow him to feel some peace.

His ears twitched a little and his tail swayed behind him. Its color matched his hair and ears. The neko sighed as he was finished looking at himself. Flipping the hood of his jacket up, he started his trek once more. Eyes wandering, his thoughts roamed by. He'd been born like this and so it felt normal for him, but on the contrary, those who even glanced at him immediately thought that he had no place in society. As if he was something that would never be useful.

His ears flattened under his hood until suddenly he felt a vibration come from his pocket. Pulling out his phone, he checked the caller ID. He had a barely noticeable smile dancing on his face in a flash, immediately knowing who it was. Quickly swiping his finger across the screen, he answered the call. The neko put the phone up to his ear and in no time at all a cheery voice resounded out of the phone speaker.

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