Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

3rd Person POV

Since that night, Ren had avoided the demon as much as he possibly could. Having more important things to worry about now, he did his best to shove it into the back of his mind for later. Sitting in his now cluttered room filled entirely with boxes, he glanced around finally realizing that he wouldn't get the chance to come here again. Tail smacking against the floor every so often, his stare slowly went around the room, reminiscing his memories.

Did he have much of a childhood? In his mind, he wasn't sure. The most he could remember were the quiet and lifeless nights he'd experienced when he wasn't on his phone. Of course, it hadn't always been like that. Before everything had happened, a handful of memories still stuck with him. Such as laughing during the occasional dinner the three of them would have, his parents measuring and marking his height on his bedroom door frame, and even the few times he'd help his mom cook while his dad was busy with work.

Blinking slowly as each memory passed by, he stood up to see the old markings that were made with a pen years ago. Crouching down, he first noticed that the last marking was back when he'd first turned fourteen. It was only a short time right before the incident. Examining each measurement as he went further down, his memories became blurry. For some reason, a strange and unnamable feeling washed over him when he couldn't clearly remember when each mark was made. Trailing his fingers over them, he tried to pinpoint just what it was that he was feeling.

Sitting there in silence, all he could do was sigh when he couldn't figure it out. Shaking himself out of his thoughts, he heard his mom's door open. Once she had stepped out, she raised an eyebrow wondering what her son was doing. Tilting her head, her red hair moved with the motion, "Renny what are you doing on the floor?" Rubbing the back of his head, the neko gestured with his other hand when he stood back up, "Oh I was just...thinking about some things that I thought I'd forgotten."

Standing there, his mom tried to figure out what he was talking about but she just shrugged and sighed, "Okay...well anyways, I think I finally got all of the paperwork in order." In response, Ren felt curiosity replace everything instantly, "Really?? Are you going to finally tell me where we're moving to?" Staring at him, his mom suddenly had a slight smile despite her tired appearance, "It's a secret. Well for now, anyway. I'm sure you'll like the place. It's in a pretty good neighborhood from what I've read and seen." Earlier, Ren had been forced to sign his signature on a bundle of papers but funnily enough, his mom wouldn't let him read any of the fine print that gave away where the building was located.

A feeling of interest grew in the back of his mind and he nodded, "Well alright. Is there anything else I should help you with?" Immediately his mom responded, shaking her head, "Not that I can think of, but you should focus on your job first. I've got everything handled! Earlier today, I called a couple of old friends to ask if they could help us move and thankfully they said yes. Depending on how everything goes, we should be able to get everything in one trip!" Popping his neck as his mother spoke, he didn't feel too thrilled knowing that he'd have to stay up after dealing with what was most certainly going to be another stressful night at work.

Turning around, he made his way into the kitchen as his mom followed him from behind. Taking a seat at the small barren kitchen table, his mother immediately went over to her coffee pot to start brewing her drink. Ren's tail swayed a little, barely hitting the chair's back. For some reason, his eyes found themselves drifting toward the cabinet where they had found the pistol lying on the uppermost shelf. Miraculously, they hadn't found any more weapons when they had gone through everything.

This made him question just what kind of being his dad really was. If he was in a gang then was he still a good person? For all he knew, his father was just like any other being out there. Well, that was until he found out the truth. Tapping his fingers against the wooden surface of the table, he desperately wanted to know almost everything about him now. But of course, to his dismay, he knew that he wouldn't get answers to any of his questions or thoughts.

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