Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Ren's POV

Despite my previous worries, everything was surprisingly normal for once. While I sat on my mattress that was now lying on the floor, my gaze turned toward the bedframe that had been taken apart into separate sections. It would've taken up too much space in the truck if it had been left together. When I went to stretch, my foot made contact with the new phone I'd just gotten. Quickly picking it up, I forgot that I had to be much more careful with it than I had been with my last one.

My last phone was considered outdated tech now. I couldn't even remember the last time it had gotten any sort of update. Instead, all the times that I'd recklessly dropped or thrown it as if it was some cheap paperweight came to mind. I'd even stepped on it once on accident when it got caught under a pile of dirty clothes. It was even a surprise that it still worked as well as it did even with all the cracks and dents that it endured through the years.

Because of my unfortunate history with my last phone, I was hesitant to get anything that was top-of-the-line. Why bother spending all that cash on something that would be considered "old" in only a year or two? Not only that, they just seemed to continue to grow in size. Before long, every being out there would be trying to stuff a phone the size of a laptop into their pockets. At the thought of that, I couldn't help but laugh to myself about it.

Sadly my amused expression was short-lived as I held the largest and newest phone I'd ever owned. Feeling dread well up in my mind at how much money my mom and I spent on this thing my ears flattened. Fuck the economy... I had no choice but to get one of the newest models if I wanted it to last as long as possible. The only positive that I could find about getting this damned thing was how many games I could play to pass the time without the worry of it overheating.

Frowning, I finally unlocked my phone and checked my contacts. I'll have to tell Mr. Kenji to give me the phone number the next time I bump into him. Or whenever he finds me. Since it seems like he could track me anywhere across Hiliya at this point. I only had two numbers on my phone and of course one of them was Yuji's since I could remember it off the top of my head. Feeling torn when I stared at it, I still couldn't bring myself to call or text him.

Not knowing what he had thought that entire time we'd spent with each other, I still didn't know whether it was right to blame him for something that I wasn't even certain about. Even if I did talk to him what would I even tell him? Maybe I was just blind-sighted by my assumptions and I just made him out to be the bad guy? He didn't even understand why my mood changed so drastically either.

Running a hand through my thick black hair, I felt incredibly guilty about everything. I owe it to him to finally at least send him a call. When my finger hovered over the icon, I already started to feel overwhelmed until I huffed a big sigh and pressed it anyway. My back pressed against the bare wall and I kept messing with the hair that dangled in front of my eyes out of habit whenever I got nervous. The ringing kept going through the speaker for a few seconds until I finally heard Yuji's voicemail. He must've been busy or something. In both dismay and relief, I immediately ended the call and quickly switched to text. It was a simple and short one, but that was usual whenever we both texted each other.

This is Ren. I got a new phone. Call me when you aren't busy.
Today 10:36 AM

Taking in a deep breath, I blinked at the message I had just sent. Maybe I should've put more thought into what I said. Or possibly even apologize first, but I'd rather do that if I got to see him face to face. Watching my mom walk through my doorway, she knocked on the doorframe lightly as she smiled, "Are you almost ready? They're here." My ears perked up out of alarm, and my eyes found themselves glancing around the empty room that I'd been sitting in. We'd ended up moving most of the boxes by the door so that it would make things more efficient to throw everything into the truck quickly.

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