Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Ren's POV

Neither of our eyes wavered from each other as we both sat there. The words that had left my lips still seemed to float in his mind until he looked away. His voice was businesslike as if he hadn't the faintest idea what I meant, "I don't know what you're referring to. I'm what I've always been- your boss." My eyebrows scrunched in annoyance as I straightened up, "Don't treat me as if I'm entirely clueless. No normal being- not even a regular demon would've been able to do even half of what you've done." Mr. Kenji still wasn't budging as he stood up to put the emergency kit back in place, "How are you so sure? I'm the first of my kind you've ever met. Many have the same capabilities as I do."

Even if that was true, he seemed different. I just knew it. My instincts were practically screaming, telling me what I thought wasn't wrong. The tip of my tail twitched in frustration out of view. Clenching my jaw, my ears perked forward as I stared daggers at the floor, "Shouldn't I have the right to know? If you did tell me, it's not like I have anyone I could even-!?" A firm hold suddenly latched onto my jaw forcing my eyes to lock on his.

Eyes widening by just how close his face was to mine, I couldn't bring myself to say anything else. His long, dark eyelashes made the red in his eyes pop out from his pale complexion. Not to mention, they were completely dazzling with how close we both were. Completely speechless and caught off guard, I didn't move even a millimeter.

I didn't even blink until I heard his low voice escape his lips, "I don't see how it's important for you to know as of this moment. Is it just mere curiosity? Just what would it achieve if I did tell you? You said it yourself only last night- we'll never see each other again and I'm keeping true to that word. You've always complained about how troublesome this all was since the beginning. I expected you'd be satisfied with how things are now, so what exactly changed in only a day?"

At a loss for words and flustered by our proximity, my eyes darted away as I stuttered, "I-...well-..." A sentence couldn't form in my head to answer him, so he continued blinking slowly at the same time, "Knowing who I am wouldn't do you any good. Not to mention, the news I've been given tonight has already made me pissed off enough as it is." Despite what he said, I couldn't see the faintest bit of anger on his face whatsoever. If he was furious right now, he was a master at hiding it.

Feeling a bit of sweat crawl down my neck, I didn't think his voice could send any more shivers down my spine until he said, "So why don't you be good and stay ignorant until our contract is over, hm? If you keep prying...I can't promise you'll make it out in one piece." My heartbeat was so loud that I was sure that even he heard it. This time it wasn't out of fear. No- it was something far worse. As I was dreading what I was experiencing at that moment, his blood-red eyes were staring right into my soul waiting for an answer wanting to confirm that I understood.

I only gave him a small nod as I kept refusing to keep a level stare with him. After the demon was satisfied, he finally retreated letting go of my chin, "Very well then. I'm going to speak to Isamu and Montaro about some important matters." Pausing for a moment, his hand grasped the doorknob but before he turned it, his red eyes narrowed sparing one last glance at me as he finished, "While I'm at it, I'll leave you to deal with that."

Confused by what he meant at first, my eyes followed his gaze and immediately my face was blazing hot once I realized where he was staring. My eyes landed on the proud bulge that was pressing against the restraints of my uniform, I yelped and quickly threw my hands down to cover it out of his view. While I was busy boiling in shame and embarrassment, I was too humiliated to hear the amused huff that came from the demon when he walked out and shut the door behind him.

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