Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Ren's POV

        It was too perfect, surely there should be some mishaps when working at a new job. At least, that's what I thought. But that wasn't the case for the first couple of weeks of my working here. Everything was going so smoothly that every other Being would've been extremely grateful for such amazing luck. Except, I couldn't bathe in such a thing. The chance was never given to me. Since the time I was old enough to identify the happenings of what was going on around me I've never once thought, "Ah, I'm lucky."

Lucky beings are those who are special enough to survive near-death experiences without any coincidences, able to win the lottery on their first try, and of course, get anything they wish for. But even so, I suppose the term for "good luck" was different for everyone out there. Some beings consider themselves lucky for only finding even the littlest amount of change on the street or even meeting the one they want to spend the rest of their life with.

I never experienced anything such as that, and I don't think I will. The reason is that once everything seems "perfect" for a little while, it never stays like that for long. Something always goes wrong, so I always prepare for the worst. And just like I had expected, everything took a turn in the most horrible way.

Hurrying to and fro, I was carrying a tray full of refreshments. Carefully weaving past those who were in their small groups, I was handing out as many as I could. Tonight was much busier than it had ever been in the past two weeks of working here. Still trying to keep up with both Haru and Aki, they didn't hesitate to tell me what to do when we met back up again at the cart. Aki handed me a tray full of snacks this time and gestured to a decent-sized group that was mingling at the far end of the room, "Hand these out to the guests over there. Haru and I need to see why the rest of the food isn't coming out."

My green eyes glanced at the guests and back to Aki. I didn't hesitate to nod even though nervousness was clouding my mind, I'm going to be by myself on this entire floor!? Can't one of them stay behind to help me? Gulping, I turned around responding back to her at the same time, "Got it!" The three of us separated and I did as I was told. When I had finally made it up to the group, I held the tray out to them as I had done a million times before. Pausing for a moment, waiting for them to grab the snacks, I was looking down at the floor out of habit.

Because of that, I hadn't seen a couple of them flinch away from what I was waiting for them to grab. Not expecting the tray to be shoved back toward me, I flinched, trying to not drop everything that I was holding. Stumbling back a little to catch my balance, I finally looked at the group I was tending to. All of them were looking at me in complete disdain and disgust. Before I had the chance to say anything, a female being in the group was yelling at me with a handkerchief up to her nose, "How dare you bring that disgusting garbage! Did we tell you to come near us you deplorable Defect!??"

Immediately I was frozen in place. With how loud she was screaming, the entire room had gone quiet. Feeling stares aimed at me, I tried not to panic while I attempted to speak, "I a-apologize. If you'd like I could-!" Suddenly the tray was smacked out of my hands, making all of the snacks fly all over the floor. Seeing all of the perfectly good food get ruined, my fists clenched. Meanwhile, as this was happening, Haru and Aki were rolling in a couple of carts full of newly-made snacks.

Noticing that the room had become unnaturally quiet, they went to see what was happening. Seeing the situation, they didn't hesitate to park their carts near the usual area and rush over. In no time at all, they got in front of me and began to apologize profusely. Aki was the first to speak, "We're extremely sorry for causing such a commotion! We'll get this cleaned up right away!!" They both practically lunged at the mess, hurriedly cleaning it up as fast as they could.

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