Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Ren's POV

That was it- and he kept his word. It was useless even when I tried to contact him out of frustration. Absolutely nothing in return. I had one rule I'd learned and always followed. Not to stick my nose in where it didn't belong- but it was far too late for that. It was shattered the first time I encountered him. It may have been shattered right when I first stepped into that club. Having got what I wanted in the end, I couldn't enjoy it. Now that I was unemployed I had spent the last couple of weeks lazing around in boredom while scrambling to find another job. Not to mention, there was still something left to be done until this was officially over.

A gavel knocked against a sound block throwing me out of my daze. My green eyes swiveled to the large flat-screen TV that had just been put in my apartment recently. Montaro had been standing in the kitchen as Isamu was in the bathroom. The commercial break had ended and I straightened up again. The incubus must've been alerted by the sound because he rushed out of the bathroom plopping down on the new black couch that now adorned the space thanks to Montaro's unneeded charity. With a sigh of relief, Isamu said, "I can't afford to miss a single second of this. Hey, you're recording this right?"

Raising a light-colored eyebrow at me, I couldn't help but furrow mine back in response, "Is it necessary when it'll be online anyway?" The vampire came strutting up behind us with a casual smirk, "Ren's right. This trial's going to be hot gossip for months. You'd easily be able to pull it up anytime you'd like." Huffing reluctantly, Isamu rested his chin in the palm of his hand, "I guess so. Anyway, I assume you and the demon hid away those holy weapons? They haven't said shit about them yet."

The blonde nodded as he handed Isamu a cold beer, "Of course. We don't want a mass panic to break out and Shiro's already on the hunt to find out who made them." The mention of Mr. Kenji made me pause but I only narrowed my eyes a fraction still focusing on the TV. He'd plagued my mind far too much already. While Isamu snatched the can of beer from Montaro, he popped it open and took a huge swig.

As he did, the judge spoke, "Related to the incident that occurred two weeks ago, the defendant states that the plaintiff threatened him into sponsoring her business. Even offering sexual favors in return. When he didn't reciprocate, he feared for his life which resulted in him hiring bodyguards as he last visited the building. After doing so, he says that the bodyguards he hired shot their guns in defense after getting jumped by a group of beings in a VIP room. On the other hand, the plaintiff finds this accusation false saying that it was actually he who threatened her and her employees. After two years of being subjected to threats and coercion, she said that she had enough and hired her own guards for protection. She also seems to have witnesses regarding this case. The first witness may come to the stand."

After the judge said that, the first one stood up and stepped behind the stand and introduced herself, "My name is Aki Takahashi and I've worked as a server under Ms. Hamada since she first opened her club. It was great at first but eventually, Ms. Hamada gradually started to struggle keeping ends meet. That's when she went to Mr. Sato for help. Things started to go downhill not long after he started sponsoring us. After about half a year of Mr. Sato sponsoring the club, others and myself were subjected to sexual harassment from the guests. Ms. Hamada was informed about the problem but she could do nothing in fear of Mr. Sato's threats destroying her business."

Right after she finished, the lawyer that sat beside Jiro who was bandaged from head to toe shot up calmly interrupting the still air, "I object, Your Honor. There is no evidence showing that Mr. Sato made any threats toward Ms. Hamada. It's complete hearsay." On the TV, the camera stilled on Aki's face. Despite how reserved she looked, her thin red ears kept twitching in discomfort.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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