Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Ren's POV

        Groaning, before I could even open my eyes, bursts of pain were coming from the back of my head. Reaching a heavy hand to it, I gingerly rubbed the extremely sore spot. My other hand supported my weight as I slowly pushed myself up. In response to my arms moving, a bundle of things slid off of my chest and stomach landing on the concrete right beside me.

This made my ears perk up in alert and my eyes suddenly opened, "W-What the hell!?" Reflexively scooting back from the objects that I could only assume littered my body just seconds ago, my eyes shot all around me. Where am I? What in the fuck just happened? The back of my head continued to throb and I winced, putting a hand up to it once more. Examining the area around me, I realized that I was in an alleyway and it was already dark.

My tail swayed behind me in confusion, trying to put my thoughts together. Why am I here...? Wait, that's right...I was on my way back home and-!! Cutting my thoughts short, I suddenly jumped up, yelling, "Shit! Was I mugged!?" My hands flew to my pockets in a hurry. The one thing I was worried the most about's still there. Pulling my phone and wallet out, I double-checked both of them. They seemed to be completely untouched. My phone was more important than anything else that I had on me. Sure, it wasn't the newest model but it still worked just fine.

Finally relaxing once more, I sighed when I checked the time. It was 8:42 PM. Seeing this I quickly began to step out of the alleyway. I have to get home soon. Staying out late is even more dangerous and for all I know, I don't want to stick around to see if they come back. I was about to continue my way forward until my foot kicked something that was on the ground. Looking down in perplexity, the object was too big to only be a mere pebble.

As I paused, my eyes squinted trying to see what it was. It took me a moment to realize that it was a vial of some sort. Suddenly my eyes widened and I reflexively stepped back, "Th-That's from earlier...but why-?" I couldn't finish my sentence because when I began to retreat, I stepped on something behind me. The sound of a bag being crushed resounded but it felt as if something had creaked from under my weight. Jumping a little, I turned around to look at what I had now just stepped on this time.

My usual lithe tail was suddenly stiff and puffed out when I realized what was in the bag. The protective barrier that surrounded the object inside of it was clear and so, the object that was inside of it was quite easy to distinguish. I began to feel the blood pulse in my now flattened ears. The bag also wasn't the only thing there, beside it lay some necklaces and bracelets. With them glistening in the dim light that a street light provided on the far end of the alleyway, any being could tell that they didn't belong there.

My green eyes narrowed back toward the object that was in the bag, "A-A gun...What's it doing here...?" Even though I wasn't as nervous now, one thing kept bothering me. There was no doubt that these had been on me while I was unconscious. But why? It must've been those beings that jumped me. If they didn't rob me then...

Finally, panic started to settle in. I couldn't look away from the gun as a single thought shot through my mind. They must've left their evidence behind so that they could set me up for a crime they must've done. Oh shit...shit!! What do I do!? My tail was lashing as I tried to get my thoughts together. I can't get caught with this shit. If someone finds me with all of this, forget about even going to trial. I'd be immediately sent to prison no questions asked.

My ears flattened as I kept trying to figure out what to do. If there was even the slightest bit of evidence on any of them from me then I was fucked. Suddenly my ears perked up at the sound of police sirens in the distance which made me freeze in the spot I had been standing in. With my head turning in the direction of the sirens I immediately panicked.

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