Part 1

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I've always loved music and when I got to 16 I decided that I really wanted to become a singer and my mate hannah had shoulder blonde hair and greens eyes , loves her shoes and is hyperactive most of the time she had always said I had a really good voice and I should do something about it I didn't believe I was that good of a singer but I started looking into it when I was 17 but didn't get anywhere till now which now I am 20 and hannah had talked me into auditioning for the x factor. So I did and I thought I wouldn't get any where with it but I was shocked when I got to the live shows then we got told we was moving into a house so today was the today I was moving in and so were the other contestants and I got to admit the small one out of the boyband JLS he was gorgeous I really wanna get to know him and I'm hoping that I will get on with the girls in the house because I don't really get along with girls and I don't know why I have more lad mates then I have girl mates. I was really nervous moving into this house because I didn't know anyone that well so I got up and got in the shower and then tired my hair then got changed and did my hair and make up then put my straighters and my make up bag in the big bag I had and I had put all the clothes I wanted to take with in my suitcase last night. I went downstairs and put my suitcase in the hall then had some breakfast and then an hour later hannah come to wish me luck so I said thanx then I picked my big bag and suitcase up and locked my front door behind me and put my stuff in my car and said bye to hannah then drove to the house. 

I got there and knocked on the door and a girl answered and said her name was gemma which I had forgot so I went into the hall and put my stuff down then she said everyone has already got a room there sharing and you can share with me so I said thanx then she showed me where are room was and it was nice so I put my stuff down then we went back downstairs and went into the livingroom and everyone was there talking. So I sat down next gemma and we started talking then about 2 hours later the producers come round and talk about the rules like no dating no going out stuff like that then they left so everyone started talking again.

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