Part 14

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Alice then they said sorry and stuff cause she had been voted off then after awhile we had gone back to the house and it was nice not having alice here anymore then everyone else was in the livingroom talking bryony was talking to lavena I was talking to nath and gemma was talking to marvin then a while later we was having something to eat and I had finished mine and now I had took my plate into the kitchen and washed it then gemma come into the room and was washing her plate then she said finally alice has gone let's have a drink just use to and sit in the back garden i agreed i got the drink and we went outside and sat down on the bench in the back garden and gemma poured the drink into the glasses. I said gemma i know you really like marvin but be careful you don't wanna get hurt like i did and don't let him trick you into having sex with him she replied marvin isn't like aston and i already have had sex with marvin and when we come back to the house we went into the kitchen and he asked me to be his girlfriend but only you and aston know so don't tell anyone please i replied aww i'm happy for you and i know marvin is different from aston i just don't want to see you get hurt and when did you fuck marvin she replied remember my outfit for superbass well it turned him on and omg he is really good i replied Ooo get you i knew you weren't a good girl.

1 Hour Later

Me and gemma had gone through one bottle and now on are 2nd but now aston and marvin had joined us and brought there own drinks and i had seen aston drink when we went out drinking but how much he was drinking now was taking the piss he just kept drinking and not saying anything. Gemma and marvin were being cute and they really suited each other and i really did miss what i thought me and aston had but it turned out we had nothing. I had notice while i was talking to gemma aston was being really quite which wasn't like him so i said aww you got know one left now because alice has gone and i'm not gonna sleep with you again he grapped me and pushed me down on the floor and stared into my eyes and then kissed me i pushed him off me and said what are you doing he replied i wanted to kiss you because i love you i replied that's nice aston now come on let's get you to bed so you can sleep it off he replied i'm sorry i'm a dickhead to you , you don't deserve it your really nice. 

Then i helpped him upstairs and into his and the boys bedroom and helpped him into his bed then he pulled a top out from under his pillow and it was his top i had give him back then he said will please sleep in my top again because i remember you saying there comfy i replied ok i will now get some sleep he replied night so i don't know why i did this but i kiss him on the cheek and said night then went into mine and gemma's room and got changed so i was wearing his top because he was right it is comfy to sleep in then got into my bed and went to sleep.

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