Part 65

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I woke up and looked next to me and kellan was there looking at his phone when he noticed that i was wake he said we got to go to that interview to talk about the film in abit i replied i know i just hate mornings and you know you can find a girl to go out with if you want because were just friends with benefits don't let me stop you from being with a girl you like he replied i know all that and i haven't seen any girls i like yet i replied that's good to know and i guess we better get dressed i went to get up but i got pulled i said kellan what are you doing he kissed my neck and said nothing i replied you are and i know what you want but we can't otherwise were gonna be late then he let go of me and i went and got changed and went downstairs and he had made me a brew so i said thanx then he started laughing i said what are you laughing at he replied your top goes with the film and you really did like it when i bit you in the film i replied yer i did now come on we need to get going so we drank our brew and then we headed out.

We been asked some questions then the women asked so did you know each other before the film i replied no we didn't know each other the women replied so wasn't it weird then since you have a love scene in the film kellan replied it wasn't weird at all the women replied so you play love interest in the film kellan you play emmett and naomi you play alice so is there a love interest out of the film because you to have been pictured alot together kellan replied nope we are just close friends. The women asked a different question this time she said naomi but known as candence in music are you planning on doing anymore films in the future i replied i don't know because i'm gonna go back into the studio soon to write some new music the women replied ok can't wait to hear the new songs you bring out and kellan have you ever thought about doing a song he replied i can't sing the women replied so maybe kellan could be you in one of your music videos i replied i can't say anything on that because i really don't know what's gonna happen then it was the end of the interview so we left and headed back to his. 

When we got there he went into the kitchen and started making us something to eat and i had said i would help but he wouldn't have any of it and said he was fine doing it his self so i made myself a drink and went into the livingroom and put my drink down and started watching tv it always makes me laugh that he always likes to cook something for me or if it's just us it's nice to actually just have nice guy as a close friend i like that he is always looking out for me he sticks up for me and cares about me. After awhile he was finished cooking and was bring the food in so i quickly txt gemma 

Hey did you watch the interview 

she replied

Hey yer i did it was good how you to answered the questions 

i replied 

Thanx and atleast you know a idea of what there gonna ask you and jason later 

Then i put my phone down and we started eating after we finished he said i feel sorry for gemma and jason when they have there interview later i replied me to and thanx for the food but i'm sure you have got plans for the rest of the day so i'm gonna go see if any of my friends are busy he replied don't go please i haven't got anything else to do and i wanna have fun with you i replied so you want me here just to have sex he replied no i meant like hang out like friends like we normally do and if we end up having sex that's good to i replied ok so what you wanna do first he replied maybe watch a film i replied do i get to pick he replied yer you always get to pick i replied your gonna make some girl very happy having you as her boyfriend he replied thanx and any lad will be lucky to have you. I got up and went and picked a dvd and put it in and went to sit down on the sofa and got pushed off it so i said i'm so gonna get you back for that he replied i needed to be lying down first then you can get next to me i replied i'm gonna think of some sort of punishment for you doing that then we got comfty and then watched the film.

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