Part 29

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Me and gemma had a late night in the studio last night and we found out that we had a week off then we were gonna shoot the music video which i can just see is gonna be fun because we had i week off i didn't have to get up early so i had only just woke up and got changed then did my hair and make up then got my bag and headed down stairs and made my self a brew then went into the livingroom and sat down on the sofa and watched tv for awhile then my phone went off so i picked it up and had a look and it was a txt from aston saying 

Hey me and marvin are having a part at our house tonight if you want to come ;) x

i replied 

Hi yer i will come it should be a fun ;)

25 minutes later gemma had knocked on my door and had come in and we had been talking about the party saying we should go shopping i agree so we headed out we had something to eat first then went shopping awhile later we had been in loads of shops and got we wanted and went back to mine. We was siting on the sofa having a drink before we go then gemma said did nathan give you that charm bracelet i replied nope aston give it me she replied really do you know why i replied nope we talked more then went to get ready when we was ready we got our bags and got a taxi to marvin's and aston's. When we got there only a few people were there i heard marvin say that gemma looked gorgeous which she did gemma had walked off with marvin so me and aston started having a laugh.

4 Hours Later

Everyone was having a god time and was either drunk or getting there , there had been no sign of that girl that aston was with which was a good thing it was funny both me and gemma were dancing together which we must of been doing something because marvin was biting his lip watching gemma and then grapped her and kissed her then started dancing close with her then aston pulled me to him and we started dancing then he whispered in my ear you look gorgeous tonight i kissed him on the cheek and said thanx he replied will you stay tonight of course it will be in one of the spare rooms i replied that's very nice of you thanx.

I woke up and put my dress back on since i had no other clothes here so i picked my bag up and my high heels and went downstairs hoping that gemma will be downstairs so i can talk to her when i got downstairs and looked in the livingroom no one was there so i went into the kitchen and that girl was there in one of aston tops and she said cadence why are you here i replied i was at the party last night and i got asked to stay and who are you she replied i'm samantha aston girlfriend.

20 minutes later aston come into the kitchen and she walks over to him and kissed him he said naomi your up i replied yer it was a great party last night. Samantha said aston is she your ex because i see the way you both look at each other he replied no we were never together we were only friends with benefits nothing else no feelings for each other just friends who helped each other out when one of us was horny after he said my heart actually dropped so i said what aston just said was true we were only friends and i have to go because i need to phone my boyfriend.

I just had phoned a taxi and was waiting for it to come aston come after me so I said nice girlfriend there not only is she a bitch she is totally fake , fake hair , fake tits , fake tan and there's loads of other things and then I took the charm bracelet off my wrist and said here you can have it back maybe give it to your girlfriend because she means something to you and I don't I really thought we were getting close again but no your just a mind fuck he replied naomi wait I got this for you not her i got that because i care about you I replied I don't want it and that's bullshit you don't care about me like you said in there you never had feelings for me from now on just leave me alone then the taxi come so i got in it then i heard him say naomi please i love you. I got out of the taxi and went into my house then i get loads of junk food out of the kitchen and then go sit down in the livingroom and watch films then i started crying why do i let him into my head everytime i do i get hurt and i believe what he says i'm betting he wants me and nathan to break up that's why he keeps messing up my head making me think i should be with him so he can use me again, i'm gonna go back home and see nathan till i have to go do the music video with gemma that way i don't get hurt.

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