Part 56

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1 Month Later 

Normal Pov

Everything is still going great with me and aston after me seeing a ring and talking about me wearing it the next week he asked me to marry him and he had got the ring I wanted and he was so happy in his words marrying his dream girl and I had got close to his family which made him happy. Gemma and marvin were still going great after 2 or more years I'm not sure how long but I hope that me and aston are gonna be married as long as them and gemma told me that her and marvin have been talking about having a baby which is cute because they would make great parents. I spent more time at aston's then at mine so i had loads of stuff at aston's but he doesn't mind and the newpapers had been trying to say that me and aston broke off the engagement which was false plus they were all trying to guess how much he had spent on my engagement ring and we have gotten use to the papers writing lies about us because we both trust each other and don't believe what ever the lies the papers print.

Aston was with the boys because they had a radio interview and i was on a tv programme getting interviewed so this morning i had got changed got a kiss of aston and he told me he loves me then i kissed him back and said i love him to then i had to head the interview after i did that i was free the rest of the day so i txt ast saying

Hey babe are you still busy and maybe we can have some fun later ;) xx

he replied 

Hey no we just finished coming home now and yer we can ;) xx

i replied

Ok i'm just going to get something to eat then i will be home xx

Aston's Pov

I love my life right now i'm doing what i love and i'm gonna marry my dream girl nothing can get better then that , me and the boys had just come out of the studio and the boys went home i was going to my car when ryan walked up to me so i said what do you want he replied i've got something to show you and if you care about naomi you will want to see it i replied ok come back to mine then. 

When we got to mine i said what is it then he replied where's your dvd player so i told so he put the dvd in and put it on and it was a video of him and naomi having sex and saying they love each other i said why do i need to watch this he replied you don't i just wanted you to this is what you need to watch so he put a different dvd in and it was naomi being crazy with some lads and some girls and they were doing drugs it hurt watching her do that to her self. I said so why you showing me this one he replied if you don't break up with naomi this dvd i will take to the papers and i'm sure it will be in all the big papers and it will look like it's new and if this got out it could ruin her career because she has some young fans and i don't think the parents would let them be a fan anymore so if u care about naomi you will break up with her i replied your blackmailing me because you know i love naomi with all my heart and would do anything to protect her he replied yer plus you took her away from me i replied i didn't take her away from you she chose to be with me because you hurt her he replied so what's it gonna be are you go do as i say or ignore me and ruin her career i replied ok so if i protect her will you not show that anyone he replied yer if you break up with her this dvd won't be seen by anyone apart from us i replied ok you win just don't let that get out she doesn't deserve her career ruin just by that stupid mistake he replied ok i won't let it get out aslong as you do what i've said and i'm going now.

This is gonna be the hardest thing for me to do ever i gonna have to ring marvin and tell him the real reason why we have broke up and same with my family so she is gonna think they hate her now and this is gonna break her heart but i have to do this to protect her because she has worked so hard to get where she is in her career if that means my heart getting broken to safe her then i will do it because i will do anything to protect her.

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