Part 12

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2 Weeks Later

Normal Pov

Me and aston haven't spoke to since that morning where he was dick I've got good friends with reesh which seemed to piss off aston which was funny and I had got good friends with tom , bryony and I had got really close friends with nathan and gemma with marvin I thought they would of secretly fucked by now but I guess she isn't as stupid as me I can't believe I let aston use me like that so from now on I'm not gonna let a lad into my heart. Everyone had been rehearsing for the past 2 weeks on there song and dance routine and my song was rude boy and gemma's was superbass and my outfit for my song was short and the perfect revenge to turn aston on and he won't have anyone to turn to because i really don't think he would sleep with alice because she will tell.

We was relaxing abit before we had to go to the show to perform today i was got changed before but would be getting changed later. I was in the kitchen and was heading out into the back garden when aston came through the back door so i pushed him out of the way and said move he replied aww you still like me i replied i don't give a fuck about you anymore i can't believe i slept with you he replied well you shouldn't of been so easy then i slapped him and said i can now see that your the player type and when this is finished i will hopefully never have to see your fucking face again now move then i went outside and sat down. Then gemma come up to me and sat next to me and said you lied to me something has happened with you and aston because i've never seen you to like that i replied the truth is me and aston had been sleeping together and you remember that next i came in are room crying and said i went out and bumped into my ex i lied me and aston went out drinking together because he asked me but i think i did something or something happen because when i had come back from the bar he turn nasty on me saying he pretend to really like me cause he needed someone to fuck and i can't believe i actually thought he liked me and the sad thing is that i was starting to fall for him but now i just think he is dickhead and a player anyway i'm gonna go to sort my head out before the show.

Gemma's Pov

I can't believe he would do something like that i thought he really liked her then i felt someone sit next to me so i looked up and it was aston i said why are you next to me i know what you have done to naomi i'm so happy that marvin isn't a player like you naomi deserves better then you he replied she told you then but can i say my side i replied go on but i already know what happened he replied well you know me and naomi had been sleeping together at first it was just about sex but then i started to fall for her and the night we went out i was gonna to her i love her and ask her to be my girlfriend but when i saw her having a laugh with a lad i got jealous that anyone could have her so i just turned into a dick and i don't know why and now she hates me and i'm never gonna see her again when this is over she has told me i replied tell her how you feel he replied there's no point she hates me so i fucked up now she will be someone else's girl.

Normal Pov

We was all at the show everyone had performed apart from me and gemma and if i was being honest i didn't pay much attention to aston and his boys then i was up next and i was ready and after i performed which i think i did shit i could of done it better then that it was gemma was ready then she performed.

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