Part 18

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Today I was moving to the uk and they had already sorted out my house to live in and I really don't know what to expect when I get there because all I've been told is that the song I wrote Heart vacancy the management they sent it to the boyband I'm gonna be working with on my first uk single to see if they liked the song which I got told they did like it and they couldn't wait to work with a famous singer from america but they didn't know who they were gonna work with because they hadn't got told either I just hope there nice because it will make it so much easier. 

I had packed all my stuff and was now talking to nathan i was gonna miss him but we said we will talk on the phone and go on skype and he couldn't move over with because he had his work here so the only people I knew in the uk was bryony and lavena because I had lost contact with my friend hannah so this was gonna be fun not knowing a lot of people where here I have loads of friends and everyone knows who I am here. I kissed nathan then hugged him then he dropped me off at the airport then I went and got the plane and the scary thing is I don't know what's gonna happen in the uk I've not been there for 2 years so it can go really well for me or it can going really bad. 

After a long plane journey I was in the uk it was the same as it was when I left 2 years ago the weather was the same sunny days but also shit days where as in america it's sunny I had finally got to my house here which I should call home but my home isn't here its back in america. I had put my stuff in my new bedroom I couldn't be bothered unpacking yet one because I couldn't be arse and 2 it was morning here so I decided to relax on the sofa and watch some tv and maybe go to sleep for awhile. I had slept for ages because it was in the afternoon now bryony and lavena had txt me saying what was I up to so I told them I had moved to the uk which they were happy about so we all met up and went shopping and was catching up with what has happened in are lives since we last seen each so they told me mine that they were doing good and then I told them the reason I'm back here and they wanted me to tell them which band I was gonna be working with so I told them that I didn't know yet but I would find tomorrow so I would tell them when I wasn't busy which they was ok with then we went back to mine for abit because they wanted to see my house which they really liked but they really wanted to see my house in america which is gorgeous they couldn't believe how big I had gotten in america but both of them had become quite famous here which was good to see.

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