Part 45

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Normal Pov

I woke up and i can't believe gemma said that to me and i looked to see if ryan was next to me and he wasn't so i got changed and went downstairs and went into the kitchen to see ryan making breakfast so i walked up to him and said morning i thought you had to work early today he replied i do i just thought i would make you some breakfast first i turned him round and kissed him then said what have i done to deserve someone like you he replied i could say the same then he kissed me back and then my breakfast was done so he kissed me again said that he had to go to the studio now.

After i finished eating i went into the livingroom and sat down and started watching tv because i had a day off today so i was looking through the channels then i saw that JLS was getting interviewed so i thought i would watch it they asked all the normal questions then the woman who was interviewing them said to aston how come your not like your band mates who have girlfriend's he replied it's because the only girl i love i messed up and can't have her now because she is happy and engaged the woman said who is this girl do we know her is she famous he replied the girl i love is naomi who goes by the name cadence the woman said how come you love her because we all know that if your not her fans or friends or family she is a bitch he replied the naomi i fell in love with was funny , caring , good laugh and cheeky then the interviewed said something else which i didn't pay attention to surely he was pretending and didn't mean all that because that will just be a story to cover up why he is single and to make people feel sorry for him and to make people hate me i turned the tv and decided to go shopping to take my mind of what he said.

Aston's Pov 

I can't believe i actually said that what if she was watching with ryan he was laughing at me after we finished i went over to gemma and said why can't i have that naomi back instead of the bitch and hates me naomi she replied i can't answer that because i don't know and why don't we go somewhere i replied i can't me and the boys have a photo shoot she replied ok if you need me just txt me i replied ok thanx for caring about me then i hugged her then left with the boys.

Gemma's Pov

While the boys were at a photo and i wasn't doing anything today i thought i would spend the rest of the day shopping so after awhile i had been in the shops i wanted to and as i was walking down the street i bumped into naomi she said i watched that interviewed nice show aston put on but it did look a bit sad for him to do that pretending to be broken hearted then she laughed abit i replied stop trying to make fun of him he's hurt enough she replied if you say so he will get over it with next girl he shags i replied he won't do that. 

Naomi said how can he be hurt players don't have feelings i replied seen as you know him so well how many people has he slept with in the last 2 years she replied i don't know because i've been in rehab and i'm with ryan so i don't notice stuff he does.

I said exactly you don't know so stop being judgemental of people when there's people that could say about you and you don't know half the shit he's been through in the last 2 years and you don't care so stop trying to get revenge or make yourself feel better by hurting him and grow up she replied what shit has he been through trying to cover his ass with some of the stuff he has done so it doesn't end up in the papers i replied how about him loosing one of his close friends , having to watched his bandmate marry a girl knowing the one girl he's in love with won't even ever hear him out , watching everyday people in love and then to top it off the papers saying he's dating any girl he comes in contact with so no girl ever wants to be near him so there's only 3 girls in his life me , courtney and his mum after i said that she started to cry then walked off to get in her car.

Normal Pov

I had been home for abit now and i can't take this it's messing with my head and messing with my heart i had checked twitter and i had loads of hate from JLS fans about how i've hurt aston then my phone went off and it was gemma and it said

When your ready to admit your not over aston i'm ready to listen

Lucky ryan had just come home and saw me crying so he come and sat next to me on the sofa and i cuddled up to him.

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