Part 7

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Mark then they said sorry and stuff cause he had been voted off then after awhile we had gone back to the house and alice and ruby went up stairs then everyone else was in the livingroom talking bryony was talking to lavena and the other lads I was talking to aston and gemma was talking to marvin then a while later we was having something to eat and I had finished mine and aston couldn't do the cheeky nicking my food thing and now I had took my plate into the kitchen and washed it then put it on the side to dry then gemma come into the room and was washing her plate then she said do you think marvin likes me I replied yer have you seen how close you have gotten and your flirting shows he likes you she replied maybe we will have to wait till this finishes because we can't do anything because of that stupid rule I replied yer I know I wanna see what aston is like when it's finshed because he has told me that he likes me but like you said we can't do anything because of that rule she replied yer it sucks but i guess it's gonna be worth the wait though then we got a drink and went back into the livingroom.

Gemma sat next to marvin and i put my drink down on the table and tried to walk towards bryony but i felt someone pull me and i landed and someone's lap when i looked up it was aston's i said what you doing he replied i wanted to talk to you so just as we started talking alice come into the room and saw me and she said you can't do anything with him it's against the rules i replied ask anyone in this room we haven't done anything marvin replied it's true there only having a laugh like friends do then she stormed into the kitchen made to drinks then stormed upstairs. I said thanx marvin for saying that he replied don't worry about i was only telling the truth and alice really doesn't like you i replied i know i think it's because she likes aston and i got close with him he replied you might be right there because she looks more pissed off if she sees you having a laugh with aston i replied i know the only person she talks to is ruby aston replied that's true she only talks to ruby.

We all had a relaxing day i had got changed before and i could tell aston loved my top we had been in the livingroom talking and drinking then we all went outside and was all having a laugh with everyone apart from alice and ruby there were on there own like they always are after awhile everyone was having fun and i was having a laugh with aston then he said come let's go upstairs to your room while everyone is busy and won't notice we have gone i replied good idea let's go.

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