Part 10

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4 Weeks Later

 Normal Pov

 Its going great me and aston no one has caught us and he is a really nice guy and everyone just thought we were just being normal with are having a laugh and flirting and gemma and marvin are getting real close but they haven't done anything yet cause me and gemma have gotten really close like sister close and we tell each other everything the only thing I haven't told her is about what me and aston are doing. The 2 that have gone are ruby and jack and me and gemma laugh so much when ruby went because alice has no one to talk to now cause she only talked to ruby and because she is gone she is trying to get me and gemma to be her friend now and I know the reason she wants me to be her friend is because then she can get to aston and she has even tried talking to the other boys but there not interested which made me and gemma laugh even more. 

We had 2 days to do what ever we wanted before we had to find out are song we would be singing and learning the dance routine we would be doing , only a couple of people were awake and they were downstairs I think gemma and aston boys were downstairs to I got out of bed and headed for the bathroom to get a shower when I got into the bathroom and I saw aston coming in and he said don't you look sexy and are you wearing that to tease me I replied nope I'm not and if you don't mind I'm just about to get in the shower so you need to leave he replied nar how about I get in with you i replied your so cheeky but ok come on. 

We had got out the shower awhile ago he had a cheeky smile as he went back to his and the boys room and I went back to mine and gemma's I got dressed then headed downstairs. 

We all was having a laugh playing silly games and before aston asked me to sneak out with him to go drinking which will be breaking another rule but fuck it rules are made to be broken so we decided when everyone was asleep we would sneak out so awhile later everyone was in bed so I had got changed so me and aston headed out to a nightclub. 

3 Hours Later

Me and aston was having a good time and we wasn't really that drunk and we had been dancing real close for most of the night I needed another drink so I went to the bar while I'm waiting for my drink I'm having a laugh with this lad then when I get back to aston and try to start dancing real close with him like we was before but he walked away from me and started dancing real close to this girl so I walk up to him and said I thought we was having a good time just us he replied we was but now I've found someone else to have a laugh with then the girl walked off to get a drink I replied I thought you really like me he said I said I really liked you so I could keep fucking you cause I can't with anyone else cause they will go to the papers I replied so everything you said the 1st time we slept together was a lie he replied yep to make you believe me I replied why you doing this to me he replied I did it because I knew you liked me and wouldn't mind breaking the rules so by you liking me it made it easier to get in your bed I slapped him and replied I thought you was a nice guy and I really do like you so from now on just stay away from me he replied of course I will don't want you in my bed again so I run off into the toilets clean myself up then go home and sneak back into the house. 

I took my high heels off so I wouldn't make a noise then I went upstairs and into mine and gemma's room and sat on my bed and put my high heels down then gemma turns the light on and said why are you creeping in at this time and why are you crying I replied it doesn't matter I got changed into something comfy and went downstairs and then in the back garden and sat down on one of the chairs and just cried. Then when I looked up gemma was there and she sat down in the chair next to me and said just tell me why your upset I replied you promise not to tell she replied I won't tell anyone I replied I broke one of the rules I went out drinking and then I bumped into one of my ex's which made me upset so you can go back to bed now I will be up soon then she left. 

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