Part 79

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I was watching tv on the sofa i was on with kellan and aston was still sat with gemma while we was watching tv kellan was getting his stuff that he use to leave here after abit he come down with his stuff and said i guess i've got everything i replied can we talk while you are walking to your car he replied sure so we walked out and he was putting the stuff in his car so i said i'm sorry i couldn't make you happy but i wanted to he pulled me into a hug and replied you did make me really happy and hope aston makes you happy i replied you don't have to do this you know i'm really happy with you he replied i know i don't have to but this will make you happy being with him so that's enough for me. I pulled him into a hug and said txt me or phone me when your not busy i wanna know how your film is going he replied i will bye then he kissed me on the cheek then got in his car and drove off i just stood there for abit thinking then i went back in and went straight into the kitchen and made a drink and was thinking about the memories me and kellan had here then i heard someone come into the kitchen so i looked at them and it was aston he said hey you ok i replied i guess he replied i'm sorry i replied what for he replied if i hadn't come back into your life you would still be happy with kellan i replied i'm sad that me and kellan are not together anymore but don't be sorry that you come back into my life and what you did when syko ryan was gonna kill me you was gonna risk your life for mine i can see that was done out of pure love he replied i'm sorry that your sad but if you let me i can cheer you up and so does that mean you forgive me for hurting you that bad cause of what ryan made me do i put my drink down and ran up to him and said i'm gonna be honest i did hate you right up to that part then i didn't think about it cause i knew that it would mess me head up but i do forgive you. 

He hugged me tight and said if you give me a chance i would really want you to be mine again and i will do anything to make up for what i did i replied how about this you don't have to do anything to make it up to me but it would be nice to go out just for a nice meal tomorrow he replied are you sure and i promise to never hurt you again well that's if you will be my girlfriend again i replied i've only just broke up with kellan he replied sorry it's stupid i should of never asked you that so soon i'm such a dick i replied are you finished now he replied yer why i replied can i finish what i was saying before he replied yer i replied i meant i've only just broke up with kellan and would never go to someone else so soon but because it's you i have no choice i love you to much he replied so you will be my girl again i kissed him and replied does that answer your question he replied yer it does.

He ran in to the livingroom and said gemma guess what she replied what aston he replied naomi's my girl again how great is that gemma laughed i giggled and said aww aston bless you i miss that side of you he pushed me on to the sofa i was on before and then got on top off me and said what about this side i giggled and replied yer i miss that one to then we sat up and cuddled up on the sofa watching a film when gemma said nice for you to having each other i have no one aston replied what about marvin she replied i don't love him anymore i haven't for awhile he replied i have someone back home that you might like she replied ok next time i'm there maybe i could meet him he replied sure.

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