Part 39

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I had just got up and got changed and headed downstairs and started making something to eat and just as i was about to eat it the front door went so i put my plate down and went to answer the front door i opened it and it was gemma i said what do you want i had a enough yesterday so if your gonna start again go back to the uk she replied i come round to say sorry and i came to tell you why aston wasn't there in the morning i replied ok come in she walked into the livingroom and i walked into the kitchen and got my plate and went into the livingroom and sat down on the sofa so while i was eating she said the reason why aston wasn't there when you woke up is because he forgot he was in the studio in the boys and because he was happy you were in bed with him and you had talk he was late meeting the boys so he txt me asking me to go round and tell you but before i could you went here i had finished eating now so i replied why should i believe that she replied look i have the txt there so i looked and that part was true. 

I said the txt doesn't mean anything about how he really feels she replied you wanna know what he does when he messes up i replied yer goes out and fucks a girl she replied nope he sits i his room upset watching your performances on x factor well that's what he use to do now he just shuts him self out from everything and stays in his room i replied can i just think about it and can it just be us to like we use to be she replied oki have to go back in 2 days and hopefully you will come back i replied think about it and how about we go shopping like we use to she replied sounds like fun.

2 Days Later

Normal Pov

It had been good that me and gemma had got past what we both said to each other and i believe what she has been saying about aston because i know she wouldn't lie to me so i agreed to go back with her today we would get back in the uk tonight and gemma said he would be really happy to see me i was ready gemma had asked me why i hadn't packed loads of my clothes or stuff i just said that if it goes well i will come back and get my stuff.

We got back to the uk and gemma told marvin i was coming over with her and he said it's fine because aston would be happy to see me so we went straight to marvin's and aston's house and when we got there marvin told me to go straight upstairs to his bedroom because it will cheer him up when he see's me i replied ok i will go now so i went upstairs and got to his bedroom door and knocked. 

Then all i heard was come so i opened the door and i wish i didn't because i saw him fucking his ex so i just ran down the stairs and into the livingroom straight to gemma then she said why are you crying i replied you said he missed me but he is in his room fucking his ex she replied you have to be kidding me then aston come running in the livingroom so i said i'm going he replied why are you here i replied i'm here because gemma told me the reason why you wasn't there when we slept together and she told me what your like when you mess up but i can't really mean anything to you if you forgot about me in a few days he replied i thought i wasn't gonna see you again and i didn't know if gemma would be able to talk you to coming back here i replied you enjoying messing with my head and hurting me don't you he replied no i don't like hurting you but everything i do it seems to i replied the biggest mistake i've ever made was falling in love with a person like you he replied please don't go i love you i replied bullshit have fun with your ex. 

Then she walks into the room in just one of his tops and said baby get rid of that slut and come back to bed i walked up to her and said the only slut in this room is you she slapped me so i pinned her up against the wall and said i'm not the one using someone because there famous and don't think that he will ever love you he just uses people for sex because he is a player he always will be he doesn't even know what love is and if you hit me or even come near me again i will hurt you and gemma do you wanna come back to my house to hang out before i go back to america in the morning for good she replied sure so we went to her car. 

Aston came running up to me and grabbed hold of my arm so i couldn't get in gemma's car he said please don't go back to america i want you in my life i replied i'm going back home to be away from here i'm stick of you fucking up my head making me think you love me and want to be a couple but then you go do something that proves you don't so have fun with your player life he got down on his knees still holding my arm and said please i'm begging you don't go i can change i can try be the lad i was when we met i can try not to mess up i replied your not him anymore you have changed and i can't risk getting my heart broken again i had tried not to cry again but seeing him cry like this hurts me so i said get up and i'm not staying you can even have one last kiss or nothing it's your choice he got up and pulled me close and kissed me then i pulled away and got into the car.

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