Part 70

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We had been home for about an hour kellan had just made me a drink when the front door went so i got up and answered it and there was a small lad there so i said yer i'm cadence what do you want a picture or me to sign something cause if you do your gonna have to wait till i do something where you can meet me because i've only just come out the hospital and i just want to be left alone with my friends the lad replied naomi why are you acting like you don't know me i know i hurt you and broke your heart but you don't have to be a real bitch acting like you don't know me. I shouted for gemma and she come to the door i said gemma this lad is being a dick to me saying we went out and he broke my heart but i've never gone out with him he replied there you go again pretending you don't know me gemma replied aston she isn't pretending she doesn't know you dickhead she can't remember stuff or someone  and she can't remember that she ever lived in the uk he replied oh i'm sorry naomi i didn't know because gemma wouldn't let me near your hospital room i replied it was nice meeting you and gemma is kellan waiting for me she replied yer he said that he can't get comfy because your space is empty i replied aww bless him. 

I was about to turn back into the house when the lad said he will use you and he doesn't care about where as i do gemma replied that's bullshit you don't care about her and you never loved her where as kellan actually cares about her and won't use her like you did now piss off then i went back in and sat next to kellan and i heard gemma slam the front door shut and went and sat next to jason.   Kellan said don't you ever scare me like that again i replied ok i will try not to and you guys and gemma don't have to stay here or stay in i don't mind if you wanna go out cause all i'm gonna do is stay here and relax kellan replied i'm not going anywhere then he kissed the top of my head then gemma and jason both said that they were going to his to give us some time alone which confused me.

So they went and i was lying down with my head in his lap with him playing with my hair when kellan said you know that we help each other out when we want sex i want that to change i got up and sat were i was before then replied oh so who's the lucky girl and it's fine we both knew this wouldn't last because we both would find other people he replied will you just hear me out i said i want it to change because i didn't realise i really like you till you were in the hospital and i could of lost you but it's fine if you don't feel the same way i just want ypu to be happy i replied so is that why you changed since i woke up and i'm sorry that i don't feel the same way he replied oh i thought you would cause of they way you act around me and if you don't feel the same we should stop sleeping together i replied before i had time think i said no he replied you don't feel the same way but you just want to use me i replied how would you feel if i said i just tested you he replied what do you mean tested me i replied i do feel the same but i just wanted to see what you would say to see if you would turn nasty because that has happened before he pulled me over to him so i was sitting on his lap facing him. He said you are naughty you know that i was upset that you didn't like me then he started ticking me i replied stop ticking me or there will be punishment he replied which is i replied no sex till i say so then he stopped so i kissed him and said do you wanna watch a film he replied yer that will be nice then i got off him he got a film and put the dvd in and was lying down and then pulled me down with so i was lying in front of him and when the film started it was one of favourite films i said thanx then got his arm and put it round me. 

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