Part 69

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2 Weeks Later

Gemma's Pov

I had been a mess thinking that i might lose her but jason has been so much help cheering me up comforting me telling me everything is gonna be ok and what caught my attention kellan was really upset that she still hadn't woke up and the way he looked at her and was holding her hand and talking to her when he thought he was alone but he wouldn't do it if me or jason was there so i think he cares for her more then a friend but just doesn't know it yet. Aston hadn't giving up trying to get into the room and he was really starting to piss me off what's so hard to understand i don't want him here and neither would naomi and i still don't know why he was trying to get into her room to see her when he doesn't love her and broke her heart and it would be better if he just stayed out of her life because she is happy again and marvin had tried to talk to me saying jason was using me which i just ignored him.

Naomi had finally woke up a few days ago and she was doing fine but the only problem was she has temporary memory loss and doesn't remember something or someone i think she doesn't remember anything when she lived in the uk because i was talking about the fun we had back in the uk and what it was like with her living back there and she didn't remember ever doing anything. Kellan was so happy naomi was awake and naomi was happy that kellan was there and she could finally come home i had give a bag to kellan with a change of clothes for her and to go pick her up from the hospital while i tidy up abit in her house.

Normal Pov

It feels weird that i'm allowed to come home today but it shouldn't because i've always lived there and i'm happy at how much kellan cares about me and happy that gemma is fine and i hear that gemma and jason are real close after what happened with me. Kellan had come to pick me up and give me a change of clothes i took out the top and said you had to pick this top then showed him he started laughing then replied i didn't put the clothes in the bag gemma did so i got changed and put my other clothes in the bag then i said i wonder if your hands would look better on my top then these hands so he put his hands on my boobs then i turned round and put my hands round the back of his neck and said i'm so glad i did that film because i have you in my life i can't imagine you not init he replied i can't imagine my life without you either i kissed him on the lips then we headed back to mine.

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