Part 73

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Me , kellan , gemma and jason went out last night drinking it had been a good night while we was there i bumped into lavena and she said that she had to tell me and show me something so i told her to come round tomorrow and then we can have a catch up she agreed then i think she went back to who she could here with so i went back to who i was with. I woke up and kellan wasn't there so i got up and changed then went downstairs he was in the kitchen cooking so i went up to him and put my arms around his waist and said what you cooking he turned round and said i'm cooking breakfast and was gonna bring it up so you could have it in bed i replied aww that's cute sorry i ruined it but i will make it up to you later then kissed him he kissed me back then replied i know you will.

I had eat what he had made me and he had to go out for awhile which i didn't mind because half an hour later lavena come round and we were talking about what's happened since we last saw each other and alot had happened. I said to her what was it you wanted to give me she replied these 2 dvd's I slept with this guy in rome and he had them and he even had a picture of you next to his bed which I didn't notice till the next morning cause I was that pissed I replied that's ryan one of my ex's and what's on the dvd's she replied I don't I just saw your name on it and I had a feeling it wasn't something cute on there I replied thanx for giving me them she replied anyway I have to go now and meet up with one of my friends I replied ok bye. 

I watched the 1st dvd and it was the sex tape I've already seen but at least he can't use that the next one was of me doing drugs and partying with lads which I didn't know had been tape good luck I had it otherwise this could ruin my career and why would he have that so I phoned him after I had told him I had them he got really angry so I put the phone down. 

After awhile someone was banging on the front door so I opened it and it was ryan and he pushed his way past me I said get out of my house he slammed the front door shut and back me up against the wall and said your mine I replied I stopped being yours when I broke up with you in rome when you hurt me he replied I didn't go through all this not to have you mine again I replied ryan this isn't you your not a nasty person your not gonna hurt me right cause you love me he grabbed my wrist and pinned them above my head then replied you were suppose to come back to me after me blackmailing aston with the drug tape but you didn't you came back but not the way you should of had I replied I will never get back together with you and why did aston go along with it he replied the little dick cares for you and loves you so much that he didn't want your career to be ruin after all the hard work you have done plus it was fun to watch him in pain I replied I don't know what I ever saw in you and I bet when your on drugs it's the real you and your a dickhead you not only put him pain but you did the same to me. Then I kicked him but he pushed me against the wall harder then slapped me and shouted DO NOT TRY THAT AGAIN NOW GO TAKE THAT MAKE UP OFF YOU LOOK A MESS so I ran up the stairs crying.

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