Part 61

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I woke up and looked next to me and it was ryan he smiled at me and said morning gorgeous i replied morning and why did you get angry over that dvd it was only a sex tape he replied it was embarrassing know one was suppose to see that just me i replied why did you tape us having sex and when did you record it he replied i don't know i just did because when i had sex with other girls it wasn't the same it wasn't as good i replied why do you think that is he replied i think it's because i love you that it's different it's not just a fuck with a person i don't know i replied that's sweet then i kissed his bare chest he replied how about we go out shopping and i treat you to what ever you want and then we go out drinking later and does it help being here without seeing him i replied sounds good about the drinking and you don't have to treat me i can buy my own stuff and yer it does help becuase i know i won't bump into him here he replied i know i don't have to treat you but i want to i like seeing you smile and you being happy i replied you know what i wish never happen he replied what i replied that you hurting me didn't happen then i wouldn't of broke up with you to go out with aston and got my heart broken he replied i wish i never hurt you but i guess it was my fault me being a dick by thinking there was something going on between you which pushed you to him after i hurt you i replied it's ok i know your sorry i'm just happy that i have the nice ryan back as my friend he replied i like being your friend again because it means i can be in your life i kissed him then got up and got some clothes and went and got changed. 

I had got changed and then went downstairs to find he had just finished making me breakfast after i eat it we headed out shopping.

Aston's Pov

I wish i could tell naomi that i never meant any of the things i said and that i really do love her and wanted to marry her and i was missing her like crazy but i had to keep telling myself that it's for the best it's to save her from what that dickhead ryan would do to her career if that dvd got out and what sort of person blackmails someone who is making the girl he loves happy when she chose me and if he loves her why would you want to ruin her career. I don't get what he gets out of it because he made be really nasty so it broke her heart and if you loved someone and they was happy with someone else you would be fine because all you want is for then to be happy but not him plus he broke up gemma and marvin and if i ever see him again i'm gonna kill him.

Normal Pov

We had a really good day he had bought my whole outfit for tonight and had got me and really nice necklace and a really nice ring so now i was getting ready to go out while i was getting ready we were having some drinks before we go out then after abit i had got ready then i went downstairs and went up to him and then we headed out.

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