Part 2

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After awhile I got hungry so got up and went into the kitchen and started making something to eat then aston come into the kitchen and said I'm hungry so you can make me some of what your having I replied your cheeky I like cheeky boys then winked at him then went back to making the food when I made it I put it on the table and we sat down then saw I didn't have any ketchup so I got back up and got it then sat back down and put the ketchup on my food then put the ketchup next to me and started eating then aston looked over after eating half of his food and said will you pass the ketchup I replied nope he replied if you don't pass the ketchup I will get you I replied I wanna see what you do he replied you asked for it then he started ticking me so I was giggling telling him to stop and said not in till I give him the ketchup I replied ok you win so he stopped ticking me. So I opened the ketchup put some on my fingers and put it on his nose he replied do you think that's funny I replied you said you wanted the ketchup he replied I'm so gonna get you back then he got the ketchup bottle the put some on my face then alice walked in and said you know the no dating rule so why you flirting aston replied I'm gonna let you to girls talk then he walked out the room. I said it's harmless flirting having a laugh nothing is gonna happen no rules will be broken she replied I'm watching you I replied I can see your gonna be a bitch and oh your not saying it about the rule cause you like aston she replied no I don't and if I'm a bitch your a ugly cow I replied aww you been looking in the mirror then seeing yourself self as a ugly cow she replied if I find out you have broke any of the rules I'm so gonna tell and get you kicked out I replied good luck with that cause it's not gonna happen. 

I went upstairs and into mine and gemma's bedroom and started unpacking my stuff to calm me down I can just see it now she is gonna annoy me. Then after awhile I was just lying on my bed playing on my phone when gemma come in and sat down on her bed and said what's up you have been up here for ages I replied I'm just here slowly calming down after alice pissed me off she replied why what did she do I replied she saw me and aston having a laugh and doing abit of harmless flirting and she reminded me about the no dating rule so I think she like aston and is threaten by me or something gemma replied she sounds like a bitch and does like aston and so the a little bit of ketchup on your cheek was put on by aston when you was flirting I replied yer I can tell me and alice are not gonna get along she replied it's ok I've got your back if she starts I replied thanx I don't really get along with girls I don't know why though that's why I have more boy mates then girl mates she replied I'm the same and I'm gonna go downstairs for abit you gonna be ok up here I replied I will be fine. 

Then I wiped the ketchup off my face and after I had done that aston come into the room and sat next to me and said before was fun I can see that I'm gonna be able to have a laugh with you not like some of the girls here and I can see you got rid of the ketchup on your face I replied what you doing up here and yer before was fun and yer I just have and you are a cheeky boy he replied yer I am a cheeky boy and I was coming back from the toilet and saw gemma coming out of yours and gemma's room then he kissed me on my cheek and said you coming back downstairs so we can have a laugh we some of the people down there I replied yer sure.

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