Part 15

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I woke up feeling fine no hangover and gemma must be up because she wasn't in her bed and she can't be in marvin's because know one can know about them and I can't believe I slept in his top again and why did I kiss him on the cheek so I got out of bed and got changed and got aston's top and as I was walking towards his and the boys room I heard mostly everyone down stairs so I put the top back in mine and gemma's room and went downstairs to make a drink and then I went back up again and got his top I thought I would be nice and make him a drink since he wasn't downstairs. 

I knocked on the door and I heard him say come in so I went over to his bed and put the drink on the table and said hey here's your top back he replied hey and how did you get this last time I remember it was under my pillow I replied you give me that top last night and you asked me to sleep in it he replied I don't remember saying it I replied do you remember anything about last night he replied not really remember drinking a lot and marvin and gemma being cute I replied so you don't remember grabbing me and making me fall onto the floor in the back garden and kissing me and me pushing you off me then you said you kiss me because you love me he replied no I don't remember that and I don't know why I said that I replied oh guess we should leave it as you were drunk anyway I brought a drink up for you and give you your top back then I walked out the room and went downstairs. 

I got downstairs and went into the livingroom and went straight to nathan and sat down next to him and said please can I have a hug I'm not feeling to well he replied sure and I hope you feel better soon then he hugged me and we stayed like that till aston came down 10 minutes later then I started to get tears in my eyes and everyone knew that I hated aston now so I just went out into the back garden and sat down on the bench and just cried. 

Then someone come out into the back garden so I said go away then they said no not until u tell me what's wrong then I realised it was gemma so I replied will u just get the hint and leave me alone I didn't wanna talk to her because she is all happy with marvin and I just got played by aston again. Gemma sat down next to me and said I'm not leaving you alone and why you crying I replied just fucking leave me alone it's got nothing to do with you then I ran upstairs to our room when I got there I kicked off my shoes and got in bed and cried even more. 

Then I heard gemma come into the room and sat down on my bed and said I'm not gonna give up till you tell me why your upset I replied it's ok for you being all happy and cute with marvin cause he is a good guy I just keep getting played I'm sick of it so will you please leave me alone and go back to your boyfriend she replied no and what has aston done now I replied I made him a drink when I got up and then give him the drink and his top and he doesn't remember anything from last night and a part of me actually believed him when he told me he loves me how stupid am I getting played and my head messed up by him she replied maybe just stay away from him today till you feel better and go to nathan I think he will cheer you up and it might make aston jealous I replied ok thanx for helping me then we went downstairs and I spent the day having a laugh with nathan , tom and lavena and I had stayed away from aston all day.

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