Part 66

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2 Months Later

Normal Pov

Me and gemma had done more interviews , photo shoots , magazine shoots and a calendar with kellan and jason all for the film and me and gemma had to keep saying to people that we wasn't going out with kellan and jason I thought both of them would have girlfriend's by now but when there with me and gemma and were out jason only looks at gemma no other girls and kellan does the same and if a lad is being a dick to me or gemma they will stick up for us. Me and gemma had been in the studio gemma writing her next song and me writing my next song and it was good to get back and my fans missed my music and gemma's fans missed her music to. Kellan had asked me if I would do another film if one come up which I had told him if I wasn't busy and if liked the film then I might.

Today me and gemma had to go into the studio and carry on writing we had got up and got changed and headed to the studio after awhile we started to get hungry so we went and got something to eat after we have finished eating we had headed back to the studio. After we had finished in the studio for today we headed back home when we got there I made me and gemma a drink then I decided to tidy up abit but half way through I look in a box that was near me which was a bad a idea because when I looked it had pictures of me and aston together looking happy and the necklace he got me and then I saw a picture where gemma and marvin were init and we all looked so happy I put the stuff back into the box and took it downstairs to put in the bin but when I got into the kitchen gemma was there and she said why are you crying you have been happy all day and what's in the box I replied you don't want to know and it doesn't matter cause I'm putting this box in the bin she replied something in that box has upset you then she took the box out of my hands and put it on the kitchen table and looked in the box and saw the pictures and said it's best to just forget about it don't let him win by upsetting you when you have been happy till now I replied I guess your right but seeing you and marvin happy together doesn't that upset you she replied yer it does but I just don't think about it were free from them messing us about that's what matters how about we go out drinking take your mind off it I replied sounds like a good idea. We had something to eat then we started to get ready after awhile we had got ready and we got our bags then headed out.

3 Hours Later 

Me and gemma was having a good time we have had lads come up to us asking for pictures but most of the time we had been left alone which was good we wasn't that drunk i had just come back from the bar and give gemma her drink while we were drinking 2 really hot lads come up to us and said we just wondering if you girls would like some company but you can say no if you don't want anyway we just thought if we could actually get to talk to you girls because we didn't know what you would be like cause you girls are really famous gemma replied sure you can join us the to lads had big smiles on there face. The tall lad asked how do you handle all lads wanting you gemma replied you get use to it while gemma was talking to them my phone went so i looked and it was a txt from kellan saying

Hey i can't sleep facy coming round ;) x

i replied 

Hey i can't i'm out drinking with gemma and having a laugh with 2 lads 

he replied 

Oh ok then maybe see you tomorrow if your not busy x

I put my phone back into my bag and gemma said who was you txting i replied kellan txt me the other lad said is that your boyfriend i replied nope just a close friend he replied that's good then we all carried on talking like before.

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