Part 62

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Gemma's Pov

I was looking through some sites to see what bullshit they have made up about me or naomi and after abit i saw naomi in rome with ryan coming out of a club this has to be a joke she isn't that stupid to go back to rome on her own to him so is that where she was going to for a week so i decided to ring her which she didn't answer so i txt her inside and put 

Hey please tell me your not back in rome with him 

she replied 

Yer i am and how do you know because i didn't tell you because i knew you would kick off 

i replied

I saw you on the front page in a rome paper and it says your back together please say that's not true

she replied

Dont remember getting pap and no were not back together we are just friends and you don't need to worry i'm fine he won't hurt me he isn't on drugs hasn't been for ages and he still loves me so he won't hurt me

i replied 

He hurt you last time and he said he loved you and how do you know he isn't on drugs you didn't know last time and i can't believe your so stupid to go back to rome be near him he is bad news so i would get out while you can

she replied 

Naomi is happy with me she never liked you she told me herself so you should just fuck off and leave her alone and if anyones bad news it's you and that lad aston

I looked at the txt and it wasn't naomi who sent that it was him but how did he get her phone and what was he planning to do when the week was up because she just thinks there friends and he will let her go which i doubt he has a plan and i bet it's something to do with getting her back by pretending to be a nice guy and being her friend so she be like aww ryan help me through my break up with aston and why does she think he has gone back to the guy he was everyone knows that he isn't a nice guy and will do anything to get what he wants when she come back i'm gonna make her see sense because by that txt he is making us look like the bad guys and him the good guy to naomi.

Aston's Pov

I haven't been the same since we broke up and everyone knows it so i'm gonna try move on and get back to the person everyone knows i am so i was looking to see what she was doing and if she had been in any papers and she had in the worst one ever with the lad i want to kill of all places and people why did she go back to rome and back to ryan i hope that isn't true so i decided to txt her even though i said i wouldn't i just need to know i txt her and put 

Your not back with ryan are you

she replied 

No i'm not back together with ryan we are just friends not that it's any of your business what i do with my life or who i am friends with 

He got what he wanted her back in rome and with him even if it was just friends at the moment because i'm sure he will put the nice guy act on and she will fall for it again why would she even give him the time of day when he hurt her and he is a psycho. I got so angry that i punch the closes thing to me which was a wall but then it wasn't good idea because my hand started hurting so i phoned marv told him what happen and he said he would come pick me up and take me to the hospital.

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