Part 54

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I woke up and got changed did my hair and make up then went downstairs and went into the livingroom and saw aston on the sofa just in his shorts with a newspaper in his hand i said babe you ok he replied how long have you been talking to ryan after he hurt you i replied i told you he bumped into me yesterday and wanted to talk he replied so why do you look so close in this picture then he give me the paper i looked at it then said were not close i just wanted to hear what he had to say and i want to be with and you know i love you and have love you ever since we got close all them years ago then i sat down and kissed him and said babe you know what the papers are like he replied your right sorry i just don't wanna lose you i replied you won't but we both gonna have to trust each other more he replied i agree then he kissed me.

Then his phone went off he looked at his then said babe is it ok if marvin and gemma come on holiday with us i replied no i don't mind then i'm guessing he txt marvin back. After awhile we met gemma and marvin at the airport then aston went up to marvin and started talking so i went up to gemma and started talking to her when we finally got on the plane aston was sat next to me and marvin was sat next to gemma.

Aston's Pov

We had just got off the plane and was now in Miami and was on are way to the hotel we was staying at when we finally got there me and naomi put our suitcases in the room and gemma and marvin did the same then naomi and gemma said they were gonna go do abit of shopping so me and marv went to get a drink. We was siting down at a table in the bar room and we was talking so I said do you think it's to soon for me to ask naomi to marry me he replied not really because of your history which both of you have loved each other for years ago but didn't actually give each other a chance but if it feels right then do it I replied thanx and all I know is that she is the only girl I will ever want.

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