Part 44

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Aston's Pov

Why did she do that to me it hurt like hell and to know she set it up hurt even more and I don't give a shit if me and the boys have a interview tomorrow I just have to go get pissed so I forget everything that way it will block it out so I had something to eat and had got changed and was now heading to the nightclub we were in last night. I had walked in and went straight to the bar while I was waiting for my drink my phone went off and it was a txt from marvin 

Hey where are you

I looked at it then closed it and put it in my pocket after awhile I was doing shots with this girl that had the same hair style and same hair colour and same eye colour and she was a laugh so I was pretending she was naomi because no matter how much I try to get that image of him fucking her it just won't go away. 

Gemma's Pov

We had all tried to phone or txt aston to see where he was but nothing happened so we thought he might of gone to the nightclub we went to last night so we decided to go back there to see if he was there and when we got there I found him just coming back from the bar and over to this girl then he started dancing with her. I went up to him and said aston what are you doing here you have to do a interview with the boys he replied gemma just piss off and leave me alone I replied I know something is wrong cause you say that when something has happen between you and naomi so I'm not gonna stop till you tell me and who ever the girl next to you has to go now bye. Then the girl walked off then he broke down and started crying then he told me what happened so you told marvin to take him back to the hotel and I don't care that it's really early in the morning naomi needs to know what she has done. 

I got to hers and started banging on the front door and I was angry as hell about 10 minutes later naomi answered the door and said what the hell are you doing have you seen what time it is I replied yer I have and there was no need for what you did to aston setting him up like that he knows what he did was wrong anyone can see he's hurting if you were really over him and so in love with ryan you wouldn't need to get revenge she replied I am over that player and i love ryan that's why I'm engaged to him and the revenge was just to make it right show him how much it hurts and now he knows it's fine. 

I said whoever the person you have become wants to take a look in the mirror and realise she's not who she was people grow people change but inside were all still the same but I can't see Naomi the girl I shared a room with the girl I used to bitch with about silly little girls she's the girl I want as my friend not the person who's walking around as her she replied I'm happy with how I am now I replied are you sure because you don't sound sure she replied just get anyway from me house then she shut the front door in my face.

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