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A/n I recommend that you read the story in order!! Skipping ahead chapters could really confuse you and you'll miss some vital revelations about Raya!!

"Enjoying family time? Too bad my family has other plans" Mr Freeze says as I showed up on the scene. "It's really unfortunate when plans get cancelled" I said as I landed on the ground in front of the supervillain. "Spoiler" he said as I was about to make my move when a batarang flew and hit him, knocking him off balance a little. "Batman? I was wondering when-" he was cutoff by me coming up behind him and smashing my bow staff into his glass helmet. "You are becoming quite a nuisance" he said as we heard Robin's signature laughter echoing in the air. "Of course it's you" I say as Dick comes down from above and lands on his helmet before throwing batarangs at his helmet which cracks it and landing on the ground next to me. "In the flesh, aren't you happy to see me?" He asked me in a playful tone. "No" I said as I scowled at him. "Oh. Boy Wonder. Did the Bat send you to drag me off to prison?" Mr Freeze asked before he paused for a second. "Always so dramatic" I said as I shook my head. I had plans today.

"Frankly, I'm underwhelmed." He said as he pointed his ice gun at use and was getting ready to fire. "Great, but I'm kinda in a hurry here." Dick said as dad appeared behind Mr Freeze. "Kids, always in such a rush." the villain said as me and Dick smirked at him. "Not talking to you." He said playfully as my dad showed up and knocked out a very confused ice villain and we flee the scene to a roof to let Gotham PD do their thing. "Why do you have your panties in a twist? What are you so excited about?" I asked the boy, I was genuinely curious. "I am going to the Hall of Justice" he told me with a smile. "And why is that so exciting? It's not that exciting" I asked dad. "Come with us Raya and you'll find out" he said as I sighed. "Fine, but if it's boring then I'm out" I said as my dad smiled at me. "I wouldn't imagine it any other way" Dad said as we leapt from the rooftop and headed towards Washington D.C. "Also don't piss him off, he's in a good mood" Dick said as I glared.

At The Hall of Justice

We got there first and soon after we arrived Aquaman and Aqualad showed up followed by Green Arrow and Speedy. We were all standing there when dad turned his head and looked at Dick. "Today's the day" he said stoically. "No different than yesterday" I said as Dick whipped his head in my direction and glared at me. "Got a staring problem birdy?" I asked him as my dad gave me a look. "Do you always have to be so negative?" Dick asked me in annoyance. "They call me Spoiler for a reason" I said as Green Arrow spoke up. "Welcome to the Hall of Justice" he said as we stood in front of the building. "Headquarters of the Justice League" Aquaman adds. "Oh, man!" A familiar voice yells as I roll my eyes. Our attention was drawn to the two speedsters coming towards us. "I knew we'd be the last ones here." Kidflash complained as he and Barry skidded to a stop. "You might be faster if you ran distances more than you ran your mouth" I said as Kidflash glares at me. "Spoiler" dad said, that's his way of telling me to behave.

Now that we were all here we finally started walking towards the entrance of the building. I could hear the crowd whispering as we walked. I tuned them out. "Ready to see the inner sanctum?" Green Arrow asked Speedy as the teenager nodded. "Born that way." Speedy said confidently. "I'm glad we're all here." Aqualad said as I scoffed. "I could care less about being here" I said as Dick elbowed me in the ribs. "Do you have a problem? We can solve it right here right now" I said as Bruce grabbed me by the shoulder and pushed me into the building. "You need to stop this now, I have raised you better than this" dad said as I nodded. "You're right, I was acting out when I needed to behave" I said as I saw his eyes soften behind the mask he wore so proudly. "Have all four Sidekicks ever been at the same place at the same time?" Kidflash asked us to break the awkward tension. "Don't call us Sidekicks," Speedy spat. "Not after today" he added. Sorry, first time at the Hall. I'm a little overwhelmed." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

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