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"But we're sitting ducks by the tubes. Head for the exit!" He said as we rushed out. The three of us run towards the hallway on their right, barely dodging a massive stream of fire. As we make it into the hallway, water crashes in before us. "Or not." he drawls. "This is getting more complicated by the minute" I said as we try to outrun the wave, but still get caught by it and slammed into the wall with a resounding thud. The water level falls to just a little bit of standing water as we push themselves back to stands and move to avoid being torched by another fireball. Artemis slows to pick up her bow, a fireball landing mere inches behind her as she nocks another arrow. She fires it and turns to run as three more fireballs rain down. The final fireball, close to another hall entrance, where Robin and I waits for her, blazes when it hits and then turns into a tornado. Artemis, Robin, and I run into a weight room, the door automatically closing behind them. "Robin to Team." He said as he puts his finger on to the communicator in his ear.

"Come in." nothing. "Aqualad!" He yelled. "M'gann, can you hear me?" Artemis tries to contact her via telepathy. "Are you there?" She yells. Our attempt to call for help are cut off when fire blows in the door and knocks us off our feet. We're quick to get back and continue to run from the fire tornado. tornado. "Robin to BatCave. Override R-G-4." Robin snaps into the comm. "Cave calling Justice League: H-O-J-slash-Watchtower; B-0-1. Priority: Ray." he said as we turn on the showers as he continues to try the comms. When nothing happens, he knows why. "Comm is down. Locked." he informs as Artemis nocks another arrow. "At least the water's helping." he sighs in relief. The room seems to groan around us. Until the handles pop off the walls. A few tiles fall off as well, then so do the showerheads. The excess water floods the room. "Or not." he mumbles to us just before the water sweeps us up. We're now trapped between drowning and a fire tornado. Robin grits his teeth as he pulls a disk from his belt, swimming to the wall then setting it to detonate.

The wall blows out into another hallway inside the Mountain, we hack and cough as we try to get air back in our lungs. We run down the hall to the kitchen/living room area. "We need to get lost." Robin tells us. "No shit Sherlock" I said as I glared. Artemis looked around. "The air vent!" She said as I realized we have a lower one we could easily climb into since it's over the stove. "Good. Go!" Robin commands, Artemis and I run straight towards it while he turns to a control panel. Artemis jumps the island in the kitchen, condensing her bow and then attaching it to her belt before climbing on top of the stove to pull the vent cover off. "What are you-?" she starts, confused and drawn by the beeping. "Let him do his thing" I told her as we waited on him. "Downloading Cave blueprints." he tells her. "Could come in..." he trails, then seconds later the metallic footsteps are loud enough for us to properly hear. "Go! Go!" he whispers as he heads towards the vent as well. Artemis climbs up and Robin and I are quick to jump in after her.

Once we're no longer climbing straight up Robin pulls up the blueprints. "Go left." he tells us. She does and a fire stream just misses the heels of Robin's boots. "Uh. Too close." he mutters then keeps following us. "Take the first right." he says as he pulls up the blueprints again. "There should be a vent cover right in front of you." He said as I look up and see it. Though it's a vent cover, it's not one that leads to a room, rather one that leads to a vertical tube that we don't hesitate to drop into. Robin says to us as he pulls out the map again. "This way." he says as we turns a full 180° and head down the catwalk towards the staircase. The pipe we just came out explodes behind us. From the explosion, fire falls to the catwalk. The most ominous part is that inside there is a shadowy figure that seems to be covered in it. It looks around, raising its arms, and the fire follows the command, blooming out. Robin, Artemis, and I drop off the catwalk and in between two large pieces of machinery. We were safe for now.

Some beeping from the one to Robin's left draws his attention as the green bar is taken over by red. The beeping increased in tempo as then abruptly stopped as the screen cracks. "That's not good." Robin says to me. "Uh yeah, you think so?" I said as I scowled. Robin and I take off in a pathway down the middle of the room. Artemis gave the now-sparking machine a hesitant look before following after us. Pipes burst overhead and gas started to hiss out. The figure, now completely concealed by the fire, starts attacking us again. "I'm not the girl you want to play fuck around and find out with" I said as I threw an explosive batarang at it. I heard the clank of metal as it bounced off. We take quick refuge behind another piece of machinery. Robin checks the map again. "I know that other access tunnel is here somewhere." He mutters "You mean this one?" Artemis asks as we drop into it. Robin grabs another disk, arming it and mounting it to the machine beside him then dropping into the tunnel as well. Just as the figure comes close to it does it explode.

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