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"I told you to get back to you-" Desmond is cut off as Superboy's right-hand knocking him away. "Don't give me orders." he snaps at the scientist. "You here to save us or fry us?" Kid Flash asked him, I was also curious. "I don't seem to have Heat Vision, so I suppose helping is my only option." He said as I laughed a little bit at the remark. "Ahh. Finally!" Dick said in annoyance as he rubs his wrists. "Lucky Batman isn't here. He'd have my head for taking so long." He added. "There is still a chance he will" I said as I freed myself. "Seriously, that's what you're worried about?" Kid Flash states. "The whole League will have our heads after tonight." he yelled angrily. Dick looks at Superboy.  "Get Aqualad. I'll get Kid Mouth." He instructed the clone. "Don't you give me orders either." Superboy states, he goes and releases Aqualad anyway. I watch as Robin frees Aqualad and he falls from being exhausted from the torture. "Are you okay Spoiler?" Dick asked me as I nodded. "I'll live" I told him as we rushed out of the room. I saw Desmond stand back up.

"You- you'll never get out of here!" Desmond shouted as we continued to run. "I'll have you back in pods before morning." He added. Dick turned at the doorway and paused. "That guy is not whelmed." he mutters. "Not whelmed at all." He uttered. "What is with you and this whelmed thing?" Kid Flash asks as we turned to leave. I threw three explosive devices that destroyed our DNA. "We are still 42 levels below ground." Aqualad said panicked as we ran down a hallway. It isn't long before we are trapped by large Genomorphs. We start to fight them but the damage Superboy is causing is making the hallway unstable. "Superboy, the goal is escape. Not to bury ourselves here." Aqualad yells out to him. "You want to escape?" he raged, it scared me a little how angry he was. We ran out of the hallway and to an elevator shaft. Aqualad pried the doors open and we made our escape. Me and Dick shot our grappling hooks into the ceiling and once we sure they were secure we descended up. Superboy jumps up and goes about 30 stories before starting to fall downward. I watched as he fell.

"I- I'm falling." he realizes, he sounded embarrassed. I threw a batarang so Aqualad would have something to hold on to. "Superman can fly. Why can't I fly?" He asked himself, he sounded really sad. "Don't know," Kid Flash said as he got the Boy of Steel's attention. "But it does look like you can leap tall buildings in a single bound. Still cool." Kid added. "Guys, this will have to be our exit." Dick said as the high-speed express elevator was coming down. We followed Superboy as he gave us directions on how to escape the lab. Eventually we reached a dead end. "Don't apologize. This is perfect!" Robin said as I noticed the air vent. "Hell yeah it is" I said as I grinned as we climbed up into the vent. We were in there a few minutes before Kid Flash started complaining. "Ugh, at this rate we'll never get out." Kid Flash he griped. I hacked the motion sensors to make sure they won't find us" I told them as we crawled. "Good work" Aqualad said as I nodded. We reached a dead end and we dropped out of the vents onto the ground below us.

"Feels good to be out of those vents" I said as I stretched. "Still plenty of them between us and out." Robin stated, I noticed that we were right by the emergency staircase. "But I've finally got room to move." Kid says as he runs down the stairs and clears a path for them. "More behind us." I call out to Superboy. I watch as he breaks the staircase, putting much needed distance between us and them. After a few minutes we finally reached sub level 1. Right as we approached the door an alarm went off and it started to close. "Oh, crud." Kid said as he realized he wasn't going to be able to stop in time. "We are cut off from the street." Aqualad yelled as the rest of us caught up to him. "Thanks. My head hadn't noticed." Kid said as he rubbed his forehead. We tried to get the door opened and failed. "This way" I said as I pointed to a doorway and we ran through it only to be met by Genomorphs. "Great and the superjerk is losing it" I said as I looked over at Superboy who was now on his knees.

I saw Guardian to the right of me. It was completely silent until Superboy spoke. "I... choose... freedom." Superboy stated so everyone can hear him. I looked over to Guardian. "Feels... like fog... lifting." Guardian muttered as he placed a hand on his head. "Go." he tells us. "I'll deal with Desmond." He adds. "I think not." Desmond snapped. "Project Blockbuster will give me the power to restore order to Cadmus." He yelled as he drank something. "Weirdo" I said as I got ready to fight. I watched in horror as the scientist was transformed by whatever he had consumed. "Everyone back!" Guardian yelled as he was smacked aside by Desmond. Superboy who was now more angry than before charged at him. They battled till Blockbuster launched them both through the ceiling. "Okay that's one way to bust through the ceiling." Dick said as I glared at him. "Not a time for jokes" I said as I scolded the boy. "You think LabCoat planned that?" Kid Flash asked us as he grabs onto Robin's utility belt and the two zip up and out. "I doubt he is planning anything anymore." Aqualad said confidently before we also went through the hole.

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