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"But if I remove the helmet, what guarantee have I that you will don it?" He asked. "My word." he says. He eases the Helmet off. "Dad!" She yelled. Giovanni reaches out and pulls her into a hug. "Zatanna!" He says when they pull apart. Giovanni looks at her sadly. "Remember, I love you." kissing her on the forehead. He takes the helmet from her grasp before turning to us. "Take care of my girl." He pleaded as I nodded. "You have my word." Batman confirms. I watch silently as Zatara lifts the helmet and Robin and I quickly moves to Zatanna's side as her eyes go wide and she realizes what's happening. "No, please!" She pleads as she pushes us off, but he sticks close. "This was my fault! Dad, don't! Dad!" She yells out. The Helmet settles, and his green eyes close, flashing gold with Nabu's power. Zatanna reaches out, hesitantly for her father, but Fate turns away. "Leave these to the Fate." He said levitating the villains and disappearing in a gold flash. Zatanna drops to her knees, we followed her down as Artemis and Kid Flash ran over to her. We all hugged her extremely tight.

In Star City.

Once we were given the okay to go home I immediately drove to Star City. "Roy" I yelled out as we ran towards each other and hugged each other. He picked me up off the ground and spun me around. "I'm so glad to see you" I said as I buried my face in his chest. "I'm glad to see you too" he said as we pulled apart and I kissed him. "I was so scared" I said as he sat me back down on the floor. "Was hardass Spoiler worried about me?" He asked slyly. "Yes, but I'm worried about another teammate more" I said as I told him of Zatara's sacrifice to win. "Damn, she's alone now" he grumbled. "Yeah, she's moving into the cave soon" I said as he nodded. "We should help her move in" he said as I nodded. "I'm glad you have a kind side now, I don't miss the 24/7 bitch that appeared that day at the hall" I said as he kissed my forehead. "I don't miss him either" he said as I smiled. "I should go, dad might get suspicious" I said as he hugged me goodbye.

Zatanna's move in day

We walk in and see that M'gann, Artemis, and Robin are all helping Zatanna move boxes in. "Need 2 more sets of hands" I ask as they look over to me and Roy. "Of course, It's good to see you Roy" Robin said as he gave him a hug. We grabbed some boxes and walked down the hallway. "And my room is right next door. If you need anything." M'gann says while Artemis stretches out her sore back and Robin, Roy, and I set down our boxes. "Thanks. I, uh, could use a little alone time. Okay?" she asks numbly. "Of course." Artemis assures. "We are here for you" I said as she weakly smiled. We all leave, though Robin keeps his eye on Zatanna as he lets M'gann walk in front of him before following the two girls out. He pauses at her doorway, turning over his shoulder to look her way for turning back and walking out. Closing the door behind him. "We are all worried about her right?" I asked them as they all nodded. "She will open up to us when she is ready" Kaldur said as Artemis nodded slightly in agreement.

Flash forward to Wally's birthday

The thunder rumbles over the snow-covered mountain, but oddly enough the winds are calm. Wally appears in the Zeta Tube, wearing his red turtleneck, dark heavy-duty pants, tucked into black boots, and an open brown jacket with fur on the hood that is pulled down. Zeta Tube Network now off-line due to extreme atmospheric conditions. Wally walks through the empty training area, "Whoa!" he says to himself. "I just made it." he walks into the darkened living room, though the kitchen lights are still on. "Be a tragedy if I missed my own-" The lights snap on, causing him to reel back. "Surprise!" The team, Flash, and Red Tornado, and Red Arrow are all there. With a large banner 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' with presents and cakes on the coffee table between the couches. Wally massively overplays his surprise. "What?!" He said hitting it rather high at the drawn-out word. "Oh, you guys. You shouldn't have." He said. "Right", Robin chuckles sarcastically, "not like you've been hinting for days or anything." He added. Wally kneels down in front of the table, two cakes in front of him as he wears a party hat.

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