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"I was prepared to be challenged by a superhero." Twister rambled, as Robin pulls a disk out from under his jacket. "I was not, however, expecting children." He said as he looked at me. I was furious now. "We're not children!" Robin yells, launching a small bomb then the disk. Twister blocked the bomb with dual vortices, causing it to explode at a harmless distance, he lets the twisters drop, giving a disk the opportunity to land in the center of his chest plate. I watched the villain flicks away with one finger. "Objectively, you are." He said as he watched it explode. "Have you no adult supervision? I find your presence here quite disturbing." He added. "Well, we hate to see you disturbed." Robin fires back. "Stop talking, you're an embarrassment to my cleverness" I said as I brought out my bow staff and tried to launch myself at me. He tried to hit me with a tornado but I hit the ground at just the right moment. I used the staff to push my feet into his chin, it didn't leave a mark but I heard a crack in my ankle and I winced from the painful feeling.

I quickly retreated and tumbled over to Dick. "Are you okay?" He asked me. "Yeah, it's just a small fracture" I said as I got ready to continue to fight. Once he was sure I was alright he focused on the villain. "Let's see if you're more turbed once we kick your can!" He added to his prior comment. We all came at him and he knocked us out of the way easily. "Indeed." the villain says, rising off the ground. "That was quite turbing. Thank you." then leaves as the Team groans back to consciousness. I saw Kid run back out of the Forest and in front of the exiting villain. "What have you done to my team?" he yells out. "Embarrassed them, largely." Twister says I spoke up. "I'm not embarrassed, I'm just annoyed to be honest" I said as Dick gave me a look that I needed to shut up. The dude continued sending twisters at us and we continued to have our asses handed to us. "I would have thought you had all learned your limitations by now." Twister says to us as I grew angry. He was seriously making me really Turbed. I hated it.

"What do you want?!" Aqualad yells angrily at Mr Twister, who is know rising into the air. "Isn't it obvious? I'm waiting for a real Hero." Twister tells us. "Do we look imaginary to you?" I asked him sarcastically. "Read his mind, find his weakness." Aqualad tells her as she looked over at him panicked. "I thought I wasn't supposed to do that." M'gann says, I could tell she was hesitant. "It's okay with the bad guys." Robin tells her. "It's fine, just do it" I said as Dick helped me stand up. "Nothing. I'm getting nothing." she said as she breaks her concentration. "Hello, Megan. Mr. Twister is Red Tornado in disguise." She said as I was glad someone had the same idea that I did. "He's inorganic, an android." She stated as I nodded, that would make sense why he was so good at beating us. "And how many androids do you know that generate tornadoes?" She asked us as we began to agree with her. "Red Tornado sent us here." Aqualad realized it was starting to make sense. "I knew that red C-3PO was up to something" I said as I glared at the red villain.

"After saying we'd be "tested soon enough"." Robin continued. "This is his test, something to keep us busy." I added. "Speedy called it." Wally said, as he hung his head down sadly. "We're a joke." I said through gritted teeth. "This game," Wally vocalizes, as he, I, and Robin step up to join Aqualad. "so over." I said. "We know who you are and what you want." Robin shouted at the android. "So let's end this." Aqualad added. "Consider it ended." Twister says darkly, I had a bad feeling about this. I looked up to see he was creating a full blown twister. I was definitely worried now. "An impressive show," Aqualad calls out to him, before exchanging glances with Kid, me, and Robin. "but we will not indulge you." all three face back towards Twister. "We will not engage." He yells. I saw lightning crack in the middle of the storm, I was beginning to doubt that he was Red Tornado. "Uh, can Red Tornado... do that?" Kid asked us as I shook my head no. He definitely wasn't able to do that. "You think I'm Tornado?" He said as I saw that the lightning was gaining more intensity.

"Ironic." Twister says darkly before the lightning struck the ground and hits very close to us. At this point Superboy was the only one conscious besides me. I could hear him walking towards us, he was preparing for the final shot. I look over at M'gann, she is waking up too. She immediately puts the BioShip in between us and him. "Fine, then." He said as we remained crouched and hidden by the camouflaged BioShip. "I won't deny that you children have power," Mr Twister said as I saw Wally wake up, he started to groan but the groan barely begins before I cover his mouth with my hand. "But playing hide-and-seek with you will not help me achieve my objective." He said as I turned around to look at him. We needed to end soon or we might not make it out alive. "So stay concealed. If you confront me again, I will show no mercy." He gloated. I saw him leave and head towards Happy Harbor. We were all in shock about what just happened. I was in more pain than shock though because of my slightly fractured ankle. It was hurting like a hormonal bitch.

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